2023 Coaching Carousel

Nope. I’ve been a Miami fan since 1964 and Im a Washington fan. Harbaugh comes off as a pious, pompous jerk. He appears to do it intentionally.

And that has nothing to do with the recent championship game. I knew parents whose kid played for him back in the day at San Diego. The kid was a regular for the Torerros but the family couldn’t stand Harbaugh. I had enough of him when he was at Stanford. Hoping Sean completely dominates LA!

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Jim will win a Super Bowl. No doubt about it. He’s won everywhere he’s been


Nope. I’m a Miami fan through and through

My disdain for Jimmy was earned solely by his personality and actions and not the school he attended or the team for which he played.


I know a lot of people don’t like Jim. He’s an odd duck for sure. I do know a player he actively recruited. I also personally know 2 players that played for him. Neither ever made it on the field. People that have had a direct relationship with him love the guy. He’s very intense, awkward and is not a fan of the media. Sound like anyone you know?


At the end it seemed like he might have been a better fit at Liberty.

Really? Stanford couldn’t wait to say goodbye to him. His relationship with the 49ers front office turned absolutely toxic after three years…three very successful years. At UM his own AD hates him. Santa Ono is in love with him, but that guy has some emotional problems relating to a need to be pals with football players.

One other thing is how he tries to sound well-read and intellectual with his completely off the base references (Solomon for a QB competition? Was he going to cut the football in half?). He’s like the other side of the Ono coin. He’s the guy who was told by the coaches that he was too dumb to major in history and has spent a lifetime trying to overcompensate.

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Joe Bowen headed to Buffalo as DC. Sucks to lose him. Especially within the conference. He’s a good young coach and the players love him.


He wins.

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Harbaugh? He’s religious, but it’s hardly a core component of his public persona and he’s Catholic not Baptist (not that Liberty particularly cares as long as you can win)

He’s genuinely just a weird guy and a lot of times he launches into bizarre metaphors and analogies. I think he plays it for laughs at times, but he’s not trying to sound overly intellectual.

Tough loss. I wonder how hard hard we tried to keep him. Maybe with more money or a promotion to co-defensive coordinator.

Hope this doesn’t cost us Salopek or Wise in the spring portal. Not to Buffalo, but to a P5.

Yeah I’m not sure what we could have done to keep him around other than maybe make him Co-DC or something. But Brechin has done a really good job as well, so tough to take anything away from him. Just the nature of hiring good assistant coaches.

I don’t know what, if any, impact it’ll have on our guys. Chuck will likely find a suitable replacement for him

Bowen is a great coach and recruiter. That’s a tough loss. Him and Bronowski were the two coaches I was hoping we could keep.


Listen to his last few interviews about why the team won. More Dabo than Dabo and not even at a South Carolina school.

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Yep. I agree Jive and why I have been so vocal about assistant coaches. The Miami D has taken quite a hit in coaching losses.

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Well, again, people that know him like him.

I would never be smart enough to get into Stanford nor would I be a good judge of how a typical Stanford/alum thinks but it would hard for me to believe that Stanford fans were upset with Jim Harbaugh…he took a crappy program and made it top 5 and now they are crappy again

He also did a great job at San Diego- San Francisco and Michigan. If he is this terrible of a person he must be the greatest football strategist of all time. His team sure seemed together

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He has a clause in his chargers contract that he can’t be gigged if the team sucks!

I’m not saying fans. I’m talking about the people in the athletic department or front office who had to work with him on a daily basis. Dude is far from loved by that group. He has a monumental ego and a pathological need to prove that he’s the smartest guy in the room. That kind of personality just grinds down the people who have to go into work and deal with it.

He can be as religious as all get-out, but there is absolutely zero chance Liberty would hire a Catholic to its highest-profile position.


I think you missed my point. His public comments about his team’s divine inspiration and the God was on our side innuendoes seem far more in line with a private, religious-based university like Liberty, BYU or Oral Robert’s than they do with a huge public secular university in a highly diverse state. Dabo runs a largely religious program, too, but he’s in Upstate South Carolina.