WMU Game Week 2023

Wide receivers should never jump. Not a fumble.


Double rats.


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We are getting very sloppy

That wasn’t close, that was a complete homer call

Only in the MAC is that a fumble…

What a load of horse crap.

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Bronco excrement

Lucky there

Haha. It suck to have to rely on most MAC kickers.

Nice job by the D to shut down that drive after the fumble.

Got lucky. Now let’s clean up the O and a nice half ending sustained drive.

Indeed. I was keeping it clean. There are ladies present.

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Haha! He missed! Palmer Domschke Sucks!

Doesn’t matter anyway though. Defense stuffed them, and their kicker has weak little toothpick legs. Let’s go!

Our O execution last drive sucked ass. Fumble, two OL penalties. Clean it up!!

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Ball State 3. Toledo 6 9minutes to go. 4th

Stop these damn long throws.

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Can Miami not run the ball this week? Are there only so many running plays allowed in the state if Michigan that Jimmy Khakis uses up at Ann Arbor?

There you go. Nice 8 yard throw. First down.

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