When it rains it pours - Northwestern!

If they fire the field hockey coach next, maybe we become a dark horse to the national championship?

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I think that would mean we retroactively become national champions. Seems unfair to the runners up, but I don’t make the rules.

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At the risk of sounding like Frank or Joe Hardy, may I just say “oh, that’s rich Chuck! That’s just rich Chuck!!!”

When does the AD get the axe?

Looks like Fitz could be out $5.7 million/ year thru 2030.

I think I heard that he’s brand new to the job

I had been waiting for this:


A Northwestern volleyball player has filed a hazing suit. We’re up to four sports now. Former Northwestern volleyball player files lawsuit as hazing scandal widens (detroitnews.com)

Starting to wonder if Northwestern might pull a UChicago and deemphasize completely to D3. NYU scrapped its high profile hoops program after a betting scandal in the 60s. Never brought it back. Seattle U flushed its hoops program after a big scandal in the 80s and brought it back as D3. It’s back to D1 again. The difference today is the money. Will be interesting to watch.

I doubt it, NU is the only academic P5 powerhouse in the Midwest and their Big Ten athletics are what helps differentiate them to prospective students versus the likes of UChicago, WashU, etc. Without them they lose that edge and an attractive selling point for the type of high schooler who’d be an upper end student at the likes of Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. With their basketball and some minor sports being good they can suck up some lousy football and settle these suits with all that Big Ten cash coming in.

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Weird. Of all P5 athletic departments, I never thought Northwestern would be one covered in toxic slime.


Well said! It’s like Houston, SMU, any and all of the SEC (except Vandy), your UNLVs et all are somehow running more above board than NW. Amazing!

Making a volleyball player run is NOT hazing!

To be clear, the allegation isn’t simply that she had to run as punishment, it’s that the coach punished her for violating team rules when she hadn’t actually broken any team rules (specifically, that she didn’t break COVID protocols), and that when she raised this concern with the athletic director, the coach retaliated against her.

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Not all. See New Mexico State basketball.

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Isn’t NW building a mega million $$ new football stadium?


It’s in the plans for a move in a year or two but I don’t think its construction has started.

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