We need an explanation

Hi. Just got out of a top level state meeting and have your answers:

  1. Money. It’s not worth it for Miami to make nary a dime for playing and beating UC. Or even occasionally losing to UC. (See how I did that? Just wait.) We aren’t in the Big 12. We need athletic funds. They should pay us.

  2. Sad deal here, but here goes: no one outside of interstate 275 cares. And as the years go by, people even in this loop of fast food greatness will care less and less. Until: this new era for schools like UC not in the top ring goes unsustainable.

Let’s chat in 10-20 years. That’s what we are in for.


I’d agree with 1.
Regarding 2… I’ve lived in states where legislators care and even get much too involved in the collegiate athletic programs of their state but does OH really have any that care about MU athletics?


My impression is that Ohio State is the unofficial collegiate athletics brand for the State of Ohio. I think that is evidenced by the fact that students and alumni of other major colleges in the state also follow OSU, some more closely than they follow their own alma maters. I think the “football culture of the state” views UC, the MAC programs and, Dayton and Youngstown State as minor side shows - if they pay attention to them at all. I think that lack of attention to MAC programs has increased as the P4 consolidates it might. UC is now a P4 but it’s still a Southwest Ohio regional brand - not a statewide brand.

Those of us MAC alums who attended graduate or professional school at a P5 institution outside Ohio and perhaps live outside the Buckeye State don’t worship OSU like many who still live there.


@YellowNumber5 hits the nail squarely on the head. We can’t play games for free. I don’t need an explanation, our administration is doing the prudent thing for our future.


Well, to be fair an old colleague of mine named Bill told me years ago to remember basic game theory rules in most if not all negotiations, so he gets the credit. He wrote a song about it (see below). Ps, jokes aside I have a crazy golf story about him.

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I would argue this is NOT the biggest problem Miami has had.


Answer number 2 is the cover both schools are banking on.

I have a lot of extended family from Oklahoma who support either OU or OSU. That rivalry game was a million times bigger than us versus UC, and it was cancelled as easily as this one was. That was shocking to me at the time. But not shocked anymore. I do think it’s a mistake for both schools but economically, if they will pay to play other MAC school but we don’t get a dime it’s not ethical for us.


Probably wishful thinking on my part, but it would be nice if something equitable could be worked out so we can play UC once in awhile. Not “holding my breath” of course.