We need an explanation

Ending the series with our longest non conference rivalry and our biggest rival as well as losing the Mizzou home game in 2025 on a Friday afternoon press release is really annoying and bush league

I can be a reasonable person when giving reasonable facts but the vacuum of information on what I think is monumental news is pathetic


What explanation is there to give about Missouri? They don’t want to come to Oxford anymore. So badly so that they’re willing to pay the $1 million buyout. What’s the mystery?


You know that or you are just guessing at that. I would like miami to say “Missouri elected to buy out our contract and paid the contracted value of the buy out”. It would be interesting to see what we really got

Do you think we got 5,000 tickets from Northwestern for this road game?


I’m just going by what has been reported by those who have reviewed the contract with Missouri.


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Agreed on Missouri, though what I really believe we’re owed an explanation on is the UC series. Is what’s being reported true? Did we initiate the end of the series? And more broadly, is the athletic department in such dire financial straits that we are foregoing home games against Big 12 opponents to play additional buy games?


We need the money to pay for the new uniforms.

I suspect a lot of this has to do with the terms of the House settlement, which were just announced today. Athletics is about to get a lot more expensive.

I apologize if I said this earlier but if college sports have become too expensive for us to host UC every other year in football then we should drop to non scholarship

What is the point of being cannon fodder to Rutgers so we can host Lindenwood.


We haven’t hosted UC every other year for five years now.

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Cannon fodder? Rutgers sucks.


Donor paid for them


In the communications world we called what they did yesterday “Dumping the trash!” Issue a press release late on a Friday afternoon when the world is focused on something else - like the opening ceremony of the Olympics.


I thought Lindenwood was an amusement park.

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Rutgers is way better than UC now


Disappointing, but in the grand scheme of things, not a big deal.

I’m actually somewhat OK with getting a payout of $1M from Mizzou and replacing it with UNLV… UNLV would be somewhat of a “name brand” school coming to Oxford. They suck, but at least it’s not LIU, Indiana State or Eastern Illinois or some other 1-aa school

I think the UC-Miami rivalry will be on a temporary hiatus. CFB is going to change to a super-conference with the Ohio State, Oklahoma, USC, Georgia, LSU, ND and Michigan’s of the CFB world being the premier teams (pun intended) and the UC, Miami U, Tulsa, Mississippi State, Utah State, Colorado State, Purdue, Northwestern, SMU, Kansas and other poor relations being relegated to the kiddy table.

IMO only, the kiddy table teams will find a way to play with other teams that are in their situation: nearby programs that aren’t going to play with the super-conference teams, easy/cheap travel and interesting games for fans and sports bettors to pay attention to.

But yeah, an explanation would be nice.


Interesting that FCS teams currently travel to far wider venues than Miami has ever traveled to. For example, Montana hosts Western Carolina, Missouri State, Monmouth, Sacred Heart, and Morehead State in Missoula in the next few years.

Are we sure we got $1M from Mizzou? Without any explanation I wonder


It is possible we are receiving some lesser sum in exchange for preferential scheduling for other Miami programs. I doubt, however, that the amount is dramatically lower. We hold all the cards in this one.

UNLV finished last regular season 9-3 and hosted the MWC championship game, they’ll resemble Marshall/WKU when we played them in OOC more that UMass.


The continuing lack of candor by the “Administration” is appalling. Alumni and fans deserve better than what amounts to a “Friday afternoon firing” with a short note which leaves more questions than answers…and this is the way they treat those who buy tickets, go to games on the road and show up on ass-freezing cold November nights in Oxford.

Color me totally unimpressed.