We need an explanation

I agree on this one. Athletics knew full well that two of these announcements would raise questions and/or be unpopular. They coupled them with two positive developments - a game at Rutgers and a home game with a Mountain West team - and packaged it all together. Then they dumped it all out on a Friday afternoon (4:07 pm) - during the NBC live broadcast of the Olympics Opening Ceremony - and walked away from the podium.


You’re thinking of Dollywood… who I believe is on the schedule for 2035.


Renmanco, just submit your question for the next “ask the AD” segment

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Losing the yearly UC series sucks, but its been clear for a decade+ that UC isn’t interested in a true home and home. If we want to elevate the program, it really doesn’t make sense for Miami, as much as I love the rivalry series.

Even doing home, away, and neutral at Paycor doesn’t make sense for Miami. The reality is that for MAC level teams, giving up buy game opportunities puts us at a handicap.

Ever since the true home-away cadence went away, the series end was inevitable and on life support. Hopefully the series does continue in some way even if it is no longer an every year event.


UNLV just played for a mountain west championship last year. They had a great QB and one of the top 3 kickers in the nation. They are a far cry from sucking

I am curious how you think we elevate the program by giving up a 5-5-3 series with a Big 12 team and replace it with 7 road games vs big 10 teams and 6 home games vs fcs

What will be elevation of our program?


The extra 5-10 million dollars?


This strategy has not helped Kent States program at all

Right. Tell us where, how, and for what goal the money will be used. Develop a football strategic vision, and an overall Athletic Dept one. I could get on board if Sayler would communicate and sell a larger vision. Absent that, I still think ending the series sucks.


We’re never going to be playing more than one FCS each year. They won’t replace buy games with more FCS home games.

Do you mind if I choose not to hold my breath?

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A brief–very brief–comment by Sayler regarding the future of the UC series, on miamiredhawks.com. Empty words as far I am concerned.

Pretty sure he has more important things to do than talk about why the series got canceled in depth. BoT meetings, donors, other responsibilities he has to delegate. Lots of people want his attention. If the job was easy, everyone could do it. Something to keep in mind the next time one of these threads turns to criticism, especially given our successes during his time here

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You’re right. It has been a great year for us. Lots of W’s and several AA athletes and award winners. Also, the academic excellence by the teams is, as usual, outstanding. It’s just that there is so much out there that appears it will have a dangerously negative effect on us and the rest of G5.
I/we have to stay focused on a coming great season in football and the building of a terrific men’s bball program. Continued success in other men’s and women’s sports is also a real positive. It’s just that all the uncertainty is disconcerting. I would not want to be in his shoes.

As an avid G5 fan I can see where the concern lies. Landscape is constantly changing and lots of times we get the short end of the stick. I don’t envy trying to guide a G5 school into this new era with the cards stacked against us, however I think we have a lot to rally around this year. Will be at as many games as I can across multiple sports

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I’m for a home & home series with UNLV. The Revels play where the Raiders play


Let’s face it, 2024 is the one and final opportunity for Miami football to have any relevance on the national stage. At some point, the Automatic qualifier for the G5 will be eliminated from the CFP. We just happen to have a stacked, veteran roster in the year the CFP expands to 12 and the G5 has an automatic bid, and a year in which Miami plays 3 P5 opponents and at least 2 of the 3 appear to be winnable games.

After 2024, we return to playing buy games to support other athletic programs where Miami should be able to compete on the national stage, like men’s basketball and hockey. Not suggesting we can win national championships in those sports, but at least make NCAA tournament appearances.


Coincidentally UNLV is coached by former Missouri coach Barry Odom.

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Frozen four appearances should absolutely be the standard for Miami Hockey.