Transfer Portal - Who Left and Who is Coming to Miami

I would think Brett, Henry and Gotkowski all should get considerable reps in August - Brett particularly in the last 10 days.

So you’re agreeing (and thus, we are agreeing to agree) that uncle Rico is worth investigating!!!

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Thank you, MooreHawk. This is a helpful site.

Thanks, Redhawks16. I appreciate simplifying so much information in a quick manner to process. I am impressed with the knowledge of Miami athletics on this site and devotion to Miami Athletics. I learn more here than on the conventional Miami University Athletic site.


Your definitely gusranteed to get more opinion on this site!


I counted 12 that started last year or have started at least one season. Most are juniors. I know several that would consider Miami with Brett’s history and an opportunity to start once he leaves. You would be surprised where these kids will sign once spots start to fill up, which is happening now. However, you guys all seem to know best. Maybe save this post and check back in October :v:


But that’s just my opinion.


Sure, post the 12 you’re looking at and I think it would be interesting to see in the fall what they amount to. Not sure that the guys left in the portal being desperate for a landing spot is a great argument in favor of them actually being talented backups we’re missing out on.

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I agree that it would be great to have another backup- although I think you have said before Ballcoach1 that it takes over a year for qbs to be comfortable with the language of our offense

AV ended up being a very good leader and winner but even he was limited. The Cure Bowl was historically bad for QB play.

A plug in play veteran to serve that backup role would seem to be good use of a scholarship



Oh, it’s saved. :laughing:

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The offense is not complicated. Play calls are. Gabbert learned them so it can be done. However, according to several of the offensive players, Receivers, RBs, QBs, the play calls are difficult to master. Hey, go into the ‘24 season with a QB that is often injured and count on untested inexperienced back ups. Yeah, what could go wrong? I call it insurance. I think Henry can do it by the way. I was just saying grab a portal guy with experience if we can. I’m trying to wrap my head around why that’s such a radical thought??

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Helmet communications are legal now and shitty nomads like Ben Bryant and Kedon Slovis haven’t seemed to need years to learn new systems. They do it every year.

Gotkowski is the backup IMO and should be groomed to be the successor. The other two are practice players.


Weasel move

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I don’t know that anyone is necessarily against the idea of bringing in an experienced back up. I just don’t think there are many of those out there right now. Maybe I’m wrong. You said you found 12, but now you won’t name any of them.


The idea that the offense calls are so complex that it take a Nobel laureate to learn them …… and we average just above 3 touchdowns a game screams of a necessary enema….

These are calls. Not formations, schema and game plans. Overly complicated calls don’t fool the defense, they fools the men in red and white

I’m tired of listening to this nonsense


Anyone hear anything on Jacquez Warren? I’ve checked a few obvious places and nothing. I really like him and was happy when he made it through the first batch to leave without jumping in.

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Not a word from any source.


Given how thin we are on experience re DB’s it would be great to have Warren back- hey Sally , Wise , Brett , Jack give and other senior guys on the team give him a call