Toledo Game Week 2023

Again Miami WR drops the ball.

Receivers doing their best job in the “imitate Miami WRs from 2013-14” challenge. That Marshall drop just can’t happen.

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Pass hit Miles right in his hands. Can’t throw it any better


Chuck Martin, Man on Fire

Who in the holy hell in our Athletic Department thought it was a good idea to pass out vuvuzelas?

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Attendance looks pathetic. Sad the students can’t rally behind a good team.


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Finn is stepping out of pressure exactly the same way on every play.

It’s not very good by any means, but sadly it’s probably our best-attended non-family weekend game this late in the season for many years.

That was 30 minutes of garbage.


Well that half sucked.

So is Candle pretty much showcasing himself for the MSU job today?

First half explained:

Candle > Martin
Finn > Gabbert
UT WR/TE >>>>>Miami WR/TE

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Home stands at end of first half

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The good news is that the students will be gone for the second half with their new toys.

Let them irritate everybody at Brick Street and let’s get our act together and win the game in the second half.


Has to stay in lanes on pass rush. Too easy to run thru huge gaps. When he scrambles backs can’t stay w receivers


Is Toledo the best team on our schedule? They’re definitely better than UC and Ohio. Better then Coral Gables?

Miami, with the exception of Amos, looked completely outclassed.

Toledo pretty much did whatever they wanted to against what had been a sturdier defense. Toledo receivers were open more often than Miami’s and Toledo’s pass D was tight and tough against Miami’s usually better group. Toledo has also basically bottled up Brett.

The noisemakers really detract from any enjoyment of the game.
Someone should have told the students that, since THE OSU beat Penn State earlier, they should get their collective asses down to Yager to support their school. In watching the OSU game, their fans uniformly dress in school colors and make a lot of noise appropriately to support their team. The few shots of “people in the stands” at Yager (Homecoming, no less) looked like they were dressed for Saturday afternoon yard work. Just pathetic. The pics of the stands at Yager tell me that the fan/ student apathy is more prevalent than ever.


Just a reminder of my Post from August 13, a bit overly optimistic on this game:



Aug 13

I was just looking at Toledo’s football website. I think they will be the second-best team we face this year. Maybe not much different than the Hurricanes. This Toledo team is big everywhere. They have LB as big as our starting DE. Their DLs are all over 250 pounds except one. Several over 280, 4 over 290. OL big. DBs the size of LB. It really is an impressive roster. They have players on the Jim Thorpe, Davy O’Brien, Butkus, and Biletnikoff watch lists. Matt Candle has put together, what appears on paper to be an outstanding roster. Former Miami All-MAC DL Mark Staten coaches their OL and TE. It will not surprise me in the least if they beat Illinois in their opener. Barring injuries, this Toledo team could run the table. (Except for losing to Miami!)

Our defensive end is rushing beyond the pocket thus giving Finn an easy escape route. Perhaps he has little faith in the people behind him to cover well and feels he has to sack. Well, it’s pick your poison. Must contain and also cover better. Probably not happening, but I can hope.

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