Toledo Game Week 2023

Great drive, playcalling by Candle and execution.


They run offensive plays downfield. Miami doesnā€™t do that as much.

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Our DB was barely in the picture on the replay. Easy pass and catch.

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Yep, itā€™s embarrassing

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Very curious to see Chuckā€™s play call on first down.

Surprised me on the play call. Liked it

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Great run by Amos, heā€™s a beast.



I hate alternating backs.

Where are the tight ends?

Love this driveā€¦.so far.

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Someone needs to tell the band to put a lid on it with the incessant horn blowing. That is where it seems to be coming from.

It is not only irritating but also unsportsmanlike coming from our band members.

Luckily I am watching on tv and can mute it. I am glad I am not at the game and donā€™t have to hear that childishness.


Itā€™s really annoying on TV whatever it is.

Pass 10 times, run 10 times. Itā€™s unique.

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Itā€™s the students, not the band. And itā€™s fine when UT has the ball.


Our WR are giving Gabbert no help


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Chip shot FG is good. 7-3, bad guys.

Some asshole thought itā€™d be a great idea to hand out vuvuzellas to the students. They have no idea when to blow these things and are drunk enough not to care.


Well heck. Run the ball on first down instead of that pass. Geez, three runs would be great then. Couldnā€™t stop Amos.