Toledo Game Week 2023

Chuck puts his oft injured Qb in harms way once again. Totally predictable bullshit call.

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OL just busted Toledo D right in the chops on that play.

Why in the world would you not go for 2 there??

Stupid shit happens. Continues to happen. You run that play when you have a running quarterback not a kid who canā€™t make it through a season


If youā€™re not confident in making it with Aveon just coming in the game, then I can see it. With Brett I think we do.

It could have happened on ANY play. There is a risk once you step on the field, whether the QB or placeholder.

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Did you not see Gabbertā€™s incredible run earlier in the game???

Depression is back. Fuck. Prayers up to Gabbert


We are gonna win the game. Iā€™m calling my shot. Coldplay is too hard to overcome.

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Why run our smaller backs between the tackles?

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3 and out sucks, weā€™re playing with fire every time UT gets the ball even if the staff and team have really clamped down in the second half. But good to see that Smith threw a pretty fast, accurate ball that was broken up by a good CB play.

Seems like we are always afraid to call certain plays with Aveon in there. Canā€™t be scared if you wanna win this one. Have to play to win

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Yep and everytime that kid runs my butthole puckers. Because for the past three years heā€™s gotten hurt. Sorry. Heā€™s not durable, he should not be runninh

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You know who AS needs now? Jack Sorenson. A sure handed WR.

Yeah I think the issue with Gabbert isnā€™t that he canā€™t run in the sense that heā€™s too slow or too immobile. Itā€™s that he has a track record of snapping in half.


Praying for Brett. Praying that itā€™s not serious or nothing permanently damaged. The young man is tough as nails and plays as hard as anyone I have ever seen. :pray:t2:


Donā€™t forget besides losing Gabbert for likely the rest of the season, Suttle may be lost as well.

I think this is where it might turn for us.

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Terrible play call on third down


Kenny Tracy, Iā€™m buying you a drink. Well done.