Toledo Game Week 2023

I was at the game, I had the play on my phone because I was recording it. I can’t tell. All things point to a broken leg but we’ll know more later


Just getting back from the game. Say what you want about the size of the crowd and the horns, but the audio alert went off on my Apple Watch at a Miami game. That has never happened. Next man up - let’s beat OU


It’s a damned shame we needed 500 vuvuzelas to make your alarm go off.

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Chuck or Welsh called for Brett to run the ball essentially up the middle on second and goal at the three. A few large lineman landed on him. One on his leg. From what I could tell he has a compound fracture just above the ankle. So lower leg. He was taken by ambulance o Mercy Fairfield as Mercy Orthopedics are the team orthopods. Most likely we will need operative fixation. In other words, he is done for the year. Maybe for his career.


I was impressed with the Toledo players coming up to Brett before he was loaded into the ambulance and how quiet they were before. I did see he’s posted to Instagram, and I’m taking it as a good sign that he or his family is able to think of social media rather. I think this was almost Matt Edwards injury level of reaction from the crowd.

I feel like if Brett had stayed in the game we might have been able to come back. As it is, I can’t tell if its the coaches or AS.

Also, I prefer thunder sticks to vuvuzelas.

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I do have to add that I believe there’s not a better place to spend a fall day than on Miami’s campus


Looked like compound fracture near the ankle. I’m just going off a picture I saw though. Nothing confirmed.

That’s what I saw too. Man that poor young man has been through hell.

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Was traveling by car all day today and of course was recording game…got home and plugged in my phone and my alerts came on including one from my fellow alum which said “Toledo 21-17. Gabbert badly hurt”.

After that, couldn’t even bring myself to watch the game but did view YouTube TV highlights. (Which mercifully didn’t show Brett’s injury play). One of the “highlights” showed a poorly thrown pass by Aveon on a little swing pass in the flat.

I know he’s a gamer but man, sure wish Chuck had given a couple other guys a shot at showing what they could do throwing the ball. I know he’s had another year to improve his mechanics and accuracy, but in the few plays I saw I was not seeing it…at the same time, no other QB has seen the field for us.

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Chuck calls a designed QB run from the 2 yd. line with an injury prone QB. As @DICK has been saying for two years, Aveon should be the QB when we are inside the 5 yd. line to take advantage of his skill set. In addition, Chuck has only one QB prepared to finish the season and that QB still can’t throw the ball effectively.

In the Season Prediction thread in August I jokingly predicted 6-6. Unfortunately, that’s still a possibility.


CM continues to make bad decisions in key games: (1) why was Brett running the ball from the two yard line when we have a 6-2 230 lb running back? Or put AV in to run the ball. CM knows Brett is injury prone- a terrible decision that cost us the Toledo game and maybe 2/3 more losses.-and maybe cost Brett the rest of his career(2) instead of trying to score a TD by pass on our first scoring drive when we were at the Toledo 2/3 yrd line run the ball- the short passing game was not working esp given Toledo’s excellent tight man coverage. (3) On third and two late in the 4th Q at mid field we call again a drive killing fade route pass on third down and then punt- AV is not a strong passer and this is a very low percentage completion throw which CM will apparently never understand ( go back and look at the number of critical drives we have wasted and games lost by calling the fade route ). This drive was a 4 down drive and we were moving the ball on the ground – also AV’s strength is the running game - this call and the failure to try to get two yards in two plays on the ground is inexcusable. On top of this we have no backup QB ready to play - AV has had almost no game experience this year and it was clear he was very rusty. As long as CM is our head coach we will never have the type of season our talent could and should achieve.


Going forward this offense can no longer be a quick strike offense it’s a ball control offense the read option QB draws and power running. They need to work on getting the balls to receivers in space this is important Miami going forward will see a lot more zone coverage and finding the soft spots in the zone will be key. The 6-10 deep shots per game is no longer viable we must prioritize Time of Possession and complimentary football help the defense out as much as you can.


To follow up on Olafs point. The crowd wasnt as large as I hoped but probably what I expected

But it was the most energized crowd I have seen at a Miami game in about 20 years. From the 5-10k that were remaining in the second half good job

Also by the end of the game I even appreciated the noise makers


Saw this and thought it was worth passing along:


What happened to Gabbert is really unfortunate. But this wasn’t running around in garbage time of a buy-game blowout loss at Kentucky when he shouldn’t have been in the game in the first place. This was second and goal in a huge one-score conference game between two 6-1 teams. Perhaps a different play should have been called, yet I don’t find myself nearly as mad at the coaching staff for this as I did earlier incidents.


And to further Chuck’s point - an injury can happen on any play. Regardless of the play call or who to blame, there’s a person (and more) that is affected and it sucks that it happens.


I think its sadly ironic that, when I look at the depth of the football team (defined as players with enough experience to actually earn and play game minutes without demonstrating an inability to do the assigned job properly), we appear unusually deep for a Miami team at pretty much every position on both sides of the ball…
EXCEPT at QB, a position which is one of the most vulnerable to injury involving the ability to stay in the game. These include, arm, leg and concussion injuries as high risk likelihoods of taking a QB out of a game. And, yet Miami only has one backup who appears somewhat capable (???) of stepping into a game and playing QB. So, when AV had to enter the game last evening, he had no game experience this year and was obviously rusty…AND, dare I say that, behind AV, Miami stands basically naked at the most important position in football and at a position in which Miami QB #3, whoever he may be, is only one play away.
As Warren Buffett says, you don’t see who’s swimming naked until the tide goes out and, as I said my prayers last night for Brett, I also added my hopes that the tide doesn’t go out for Miami…but it may have started.


Looks like a compound fracture for Brett. It’s out on Twitter but I’m not posting it here. It’s not pretty

How many MAC schools have a backup that has more game experience than Smith? Or a third string that has seen game reps? This idea that every other MAC team is loaded with game-ready QB’s is wild to me. And the coaches did bring in another QB with starting experience. Unfortunately the NCAA is a POS and isn’t allowing him to play.


Maybe Chuck learned a lesson in not giving more than 1 QB meaningful snaps…