Steele extended

To 2032 I believe. Great news





Great news! Of course, any buyout would not be a problem for a man whose wife’s family are billionaires!

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When will this contract get posted to the public? I know the most recent Chuck extension took a while to get out there

Great news indeed!!!

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It’s already up on the contracts website

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Lower base than I thought to be honest and the enquirer said this was signed before the season

There as we those $200K per year retention add ons so he’d be at $700K in a few years if he stays.

Yeah, but in 2030 that’ll still be a discount. Groce is clearing $700k at Akron. Assuming Miami stays in the top 4, it’s a great contract.


Maybe he took a discount to put money into the program. Who knows. I love the guy and am happy he’s here.


Love what he’s done with the upgrade in talent, execution, playing style, rotations, and team chemistry. It’s been a great turn-around. It’s fun to watch Miami Basketball again. Happy to have him here long term (though we know buyouts certainly happen.)

Still hopeful he stops the “hey ref, let’s fight” routine that I don’t think helps our team or the greater game.


Great news! And surprising to me, as I had assumed he’d be on a lot of short lists within a couple years. Still could happen, but this a great sign.

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As a former high school AD, I had said earlier that I thought the end of the season was the proper time for extensions. I guess times change. Congratulation to both Coach Steele and David Saylor. When Coach Steele mentioned they were building a new house, I wondered if something like this was in the works. I would also guess the coming announcement about our new Arena figures into Coach Steele’s thinking.


I could not agree more. He’s da bomb!

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Jive: totally agree it’s a good deal for Miami to extend a coach of his caliber at these annual rates. And yes, if he is successful, the $700k in 2030 would be a bargain for Miami (if that kinda salary would hold him here).


Buyouts happen but if there is a buyout, that means things have gone well for probably multiple seasons in a row.

Either way, the long-term extension works well for both sides.

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I was still a bit skeptical of Steele coming into the season, he’s thankfully proven me wrong. Still not where we want/need to be in the long run but we have by far the most momentum around the program of any time since I’ve been a fan.

Coach was on with Lance McAlister tonight on WLW; at about the 24-minute mark. Nice interview. FYI the house he’s building is in Hyde Park.


Nice part of town. Wonder if he’s a member of Hyde Park CC.