
There is one major design flaw a renovation must correct for ADA compliance; egress and ingress between the concourse and the arena. As currently constructed there is no way into the arena from the concourse without either going up a staircase to the seating or down a staircase to the floor. Millett is currently grandfathered from ADA compliance but any renovation would be required to correct that deficiency. That means there is no salvaging the current seating configuration as is. This information was shared with me by an Athletic Department employee when I asked specifically about a Millett renovation. My post is strictly second hand information and not researched by me. That said the info appears authoritative.

I think Millett should be renovated and remain our basketball home. Considering it’s now 55+ years old it’s design was decades ahead of it’s time. Opening the wide concourses to the outdoors with near continuous floor-to-ceiling windows is a design concept Nationwide Arena boasted as revolutionary in its 2000 design. Think of what’s it like walking the concourse at most arenas. They’re as refreshing as a Greyhound station or a subway stop.

Finally, at 50+ years old might Millett qualify for federal funds via the National Register of Historic Places?

I’m not sure any renovation plan keeps the current configuration. Last I heard, they’d like to decrease the seating fairly significantly and bring the seats right up to the court. But a very good call out regarding ADA compliance.


There is an elevator in the northwest corner of Millett that connects the floor level to the concourse level to the upper arena level. It is used to get wheelchair fans up to the upper level where there are designated wheelchair platforms.

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Yes there is an elevator but that doesn’t meet ADA compliance standards. In the case of an elevator malfunction, power outage or some other emergency people with limited mobility would essentially be trapped in the arena.

There’s two back doors to Millett from the small lot. Those both go to the floor level. I used those for years, and they were especially helpful when my dad couldn’t walk stairs anymore the last 3-4 years he was alive.

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Let’s hope this guy doesn’t do the renovation:


You really don’t want to list Millett on the National Register of Historic Places. That would potentially limit what could be done in terms of renovations.


Anyone know when the new turf will be installed at Yager this summer?

I’m guessing they had to wait until after graduation last weekend, but I would think they want it done before camp starts.


Did they get another big donation for the new turf? As I recall, the first time Fieldturf was installed a prominent Miami alum family (the Mathers) made a big donation to pay for it.

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The turf will be paid for by a donation. They are supposed to start, originally scheduled, who knows now, this week. But we all know things change. Lets just be optimistic and say it will be in by start of fall camp.


I found an article on the original Field turf that was installed in 2003. It cost $665,000 according to article… guessing like food, cars and energy that tab has gone way up since!


What are the planned renovations to Millett that a National Historic Register designation would preclude?

None. Unless state or federal funding had been used to help preserve the historic building or there is a city ordinance in play the owner is free to do whatever they want with it. After renovation it may no longer qualify for the register.

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It would seem the only reason to get historic building designation would be to qualify for federal or state funding. Therefore, what is the advantage then?

That depends on the renovations AND the criteria used to nominate and list the site/structure/property to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). I mean why use a criteria of structural, architectural, and design significance to list a site/structure/property only to turn around and adversely impact that significance through demolish and renovation which would ultimately lead to de-listing?

I would be extremely surprised if Millet Hall is eligible for listing in the NRHP. A site/structure/property that is 50 years or older may be eligible, but the real determining factor(s) is historic significance (in other words not everything that is 50 years or older is automatically nominated and listed). Significant sites/structures/properties are those that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association, AND…

A) that are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or
B) that are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or
C) that embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or represent the works of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or the represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or
D) that have yielded or may be likely to yield information important in prehistory or history.

The only criteria above that Millett potentially meets is C, and saying that is a bit of a stretch. But if you’re going to impact that very criteria that makes it significant then it is no longer significant and no longer eligible for the NRHP. If it’s no longer eligible for listing in the NRHP it’s certainly no longer eligible for any sort of historic preservation funding.

The point is largely moot anyway given that Miami does not have an Historic Preservation Plan in place for the campus, nor is there any desire to craft one because that would simply impede the university’s ability to demolish older buildings that no longer meet Miami’s academic goals and mission.

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Had to dig this thread up, but figured this was the best place for an update-

Spoke to someone from the athletic department a few days ago and they said don’t hold your breath on a major Millett renovation anytime soon. We should be getting a new scoreboard this year, and there are some other minor improvements to basketball gamedays planned.

I’m not sure if this is strictly due to cost, but it would be nice to hear an update from Saylor or Crawford as to why Millett has constantly been neglected while every other building on campus gets renovated.

It’s nice to see Yager getting taken care of with new turf and scoreboard, but now that the hotel near Millett has been announced I hope they are prioritizing our long overdue indoor arena.

Thanks for the update.

Still hoping we do something with the “curtain” and lack of seating behind the basket. Get students in that area like ‘back in the day.’

Coincidentally, I was visiting my parents yesterday. They are in their mid-70’s and have been to a ton of sporting events (only a handful at Miami.) I asked them to list their favorite sports atmosphere they’ve been a part of. Both of them quickly mentioned Miami vs Tennessee, 1998, Basketball, in Oxford, as one of their top atmospheres.

Millett has plenty of issues, but there is some magic in that building. All we need is a lottery pick, a great supporting cast, a top 15 team willing to play us on the road, and some bleachers behind the baskets. :grin:


I was at that game…so much fun.

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I’m taking that Tennessee game, the “Randy Moss game,” and the road trip to New Orleans for the two wins in the ‘99 NCAA tourney as my top three Miami events I’ve been in attendance for.

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My personal attendance list includes the 1973 come from behind win at Purdue that launched the mid-70s “streak”, the 15-14 win at UK in the late 70s and the 6-0 opening kick-off touchdown win over UC to keep the undefeated season in 1973 intact.

In hoops, i was in Las Vegas to watch Herb’s Devin Davis team beat UNLV and Long Beach. That was pretty cool. Unfortunately, I have seen more disappointing Miami basketball games in person than good ones. Three that come to mind are a blowout loss at Eastern Washington, a blowout loss a few years ago at NC State and an incredibly lackluster loss to South Carolina State in Oxford - my last game at Millett.

Never mind. Apologies for adding to the hijack.