I think part of this is simply that as Miami’s physical plant expands, it takes over more green space. No matter where you picked on campus, the net result is that there would be more built space and less green space. And every green space on campus has its proponents and alums with good memories of it. One of the reasons most of us loved that campus was the blend of buildings in a park-like setting. There are good reasons to keep building, but it makes it harder to maintain the setting.
Women’s Club soccer plays at Cook field. We know a team member. Plays clubs from OU,UD,etc. Other sports? Don’t know.
“Cook Field is located on the northeast corner of State Route 73 and Patterson Avenue. As the only lighted grass field on campus, it is a great place to drop by and participate in various activities. It is used primarily for Intramural Sports such as Softball, Flag Football, and Ultimate Frisbee. Other than Intramural use, the field is available for rental to all other groups. Many student organizations conduct special events such as Greek Week, First Year Institute Carnival, Relay for Life and many more. There are 4 softball fields that are newly renovated and updated. The entire north half of the field now has synthetic turf and is now able to be reserved and used year round.”
So in other words it is used for nothing at all. (Sarcasm)
That is a small number of students when you factor in that all alums have some stake and weight in the decisions and most current students that signed will have graduated.
Keep Cook Field green!
Really…you want to take out the last major green space on campus for a hotel and a restaurant? Yea, and a basketball building too.
I spent a year in Scott hall and now the field across from it we used to go out on a glorious spring day and throw a frisbee now has a big building with a frickin Starbucks sign on it. Makes me sick. As an athlete I practiced football and threw the discus at Cook Field and had my moments there in both. My most treasured, what I call, Love & Honor moment, involves my all time favorite professor and a track meet at Cook. When I think about it and remember him I still get misty eyed and emotional.
If some company wants to build a grand hotel in Oxford go find someplace else. If some company wants to build a nice restaurant find someplace else. There’s nothing around Oxford but corn and beans! Somebody will sell if you give the enough! If you want to put it to the student “libs” because they want to be leaders and care enough to start a campus wide petition to keep Cook green go find another way! They might not be passionate enough about athletics to go to a game but you’ve got to respect their passion to preserve the last centrally located greenspace that’s there for them to use…or lose. L&H dm
Sorority quad, north quad, slant walk don’t exist?
danielren123—yes they exist but not, it would seem for the same reasons Cook exist with space for Baseball fields, group/organization events and intermural sports. Am I wrong? Is Slant Walk, North Quad or Sorority Quad now being used for intermural sports. Are they putting up backstops and base paths and lights???
I think there’s a fair number that would like to see the last big usable green space on campus remain a usable green space. I think there’s maybe a fair number of MHTers that would like to see Cook stay green too.
I might argue a lot of students actually can see past the tip of their nose. They see a future with a great space they use gone so some company they’ve never heard of can build a restaurant they’ll probably never use and a hotel they’ll never stay in. They see a future where the nearest ball fields are a mile or more away. They don’t like it and are trying to do something about it. Good for them.
Yellow, wouldn’t you like to stand at Reid Hall next time you’re in town and see, in your minds eye, your friend riding his bike around Cook naked getting chased by Seekies without a big fucking Hampton Inn and Champs Restaurant blocking your view? And yea…time sucks but every now and then you can do a little something about it. For lots of us there’s a legacy, tradition and history that’s worth preserving. Now for your buddy; I hope he wasn’t on a 12 speed with those skinny seats that can be nut busters!
I would argue it is not up to the students, they only have on their mind what’s best for Miami now not the future, the administration makes decisions based on what they think will benefit Miami going forward, and clearly they think a basketball stadium and hotel is more valuable and better for the university than cook field (and I agree)
The tennis courts where I had my one moment of glory are gone. Time is a demon. Sucks but what can we do.
Also, I had a near hole in one on the hole that went into Marcum. That’s gone as well…Damn!
Ps, my friend got chased by the cops for riding a bike nude around Cook field. He lost a bet. Was awesome!!! They never caught him.
Dave, Cook Field is nice but I have to tell you as a student at Miami from 74-78, except for maybe an occasional walk by I never set foot on Cook Field.
Yes, I played intramurals all four years, but we practiced and played elsewhere. Later in my frat days we practiced for both softball and football down in front of Millet, exactly where new fields are proposed to be improved to replace Cook.
The Cook Field location is at a prominent site, and can allow for a showplace of an arena in a spot convenient for most all students across campus to enjoy. No existing buildings need be destroyed, and there are many alternative green spaces around campus that can be utilized by students. I just think it’s a great spot to build the new Arena.
This is where I gently remind you that you were a student fifty years ago. How Cook Field was used a half-century ago (or forty years ago when I was there) isn’t particularly relevant when assessing how students use it today. If you take a look at Miami’s website or a Google map, you’ll see it has been significantly improved with amenities to support rec sports for either organized or pick-up use. It sounds like this generation of students get a lot more value out of the space than we did.
As I’ve noted before, current students’ views of the world may be as imperfect as ours, but they are probably a better predictor of what future students would want out of our campus than a bunch of old farts like us. There’s a legitimate debate to be had about where to put a new basketball arena, but I think this conversation emphasizes that it’s important to keep the outdoor/recreational needs of all 19,000 Miami students in mind. If the former Millett site can be turned into a great location for that, that’s cool, but I think the powers that be need to fundraise for that and be vocal about it as part of the overall project.
2 points, and then I will exit this forum for now.
- Daniel for a Farmer graduate you seem a bit short sighted. The current students have siblings and friends who may be applying to colleges. If they feel negatively towards Miami they will tell their friends that. The current students’ parents have friends whose kids may be applying to college. I can tell you I have seen multiple comments on this arena decision where parents are saying they will not send their other kids to Miami and they won’t recommend Miami to their friends. And no, the arena is not the only factor for these people but it is one of them. There are things and changes going on at Miami I would venture to say 90% of those on this board are not aware of. And probably don’t care about, but they do affect the student experience, in and out of the classroom.
- Since someone was keeping track, as of 740am today, the petition is up to 2368 signatures. Revised as of 1250pm now 2452 signatures.
Points well taken, DG. (especially pointing out that the context of my observations are rather dated, to put it mildly).
You are correct in surmising that I (fairly or unfairly) am somewhat dismissive of today’s students being given undue weight in the determination of the best spot for the Arena. Certainly their voices do count, but they still constitute just a sliver of the entire past, present, and future alumni of Miami, all stakeholders in this decision.
That’s true of all of us. The university is 216 years old. My opinions based on the three years I passed through that campus during that history are no more relevant – and probably less currently relevant – than those of a Miami junior in 2025.
I agree that alumni voices matter, particularly when we’ll be asked to contribute, but what I’m suggesting is that there’s some sort of “decay function” where the longer I’ve been away the less likely it is is that my opinions will be relevant to the future of the university. And I’m okay with that just like I’m glad that alums from the pre-WW II era didn’t have an outsized voice in my experience there in the 1980s.
Genuinely curious what changes you are referring to if you’re able to expand there. I don’t have kids approaching college age and haven’t been back to campus in some time so in the dark on the current campus vibe.
I would say 90% of my recreational time while at Miami was pick up basketball, mostly in Withrow Court, and I got to know plenty of varsity football and basketball players there. I have vey fond memories of those games. I certainly do not, however, regret that the building was finally torn down and replaced.
It’s worth recognizing whatever site was picked, there would be a student activism pushback. Honestly, it’s what 20 year olds do and it’s not a bad thing
But I think it’s naive to think this is really about Cook. If the bell tower/slant walk site was picked it’d be about slant walk. If the Johnny Mac site was picked it’d be about the buildings going down and the Myiami center.
Ultimately this is about some who feel athletics gets too much attention for a minor player in the ncaa landscape and that’s a valid viewpoint especially with funds being tight elsewhere. I disagree as a booster and sports fan but I get the argument.
My understand is that a big donor is involved so I don’t think this is Peter robbing paul but I understand that impression that gives if you are a student or faculty watching something else you love see cuts while this huge project is starting.
I think some are discounting how a modern, top class hotel and restaurant right on campus will elevate Miami. It will be a boon beyond athletics: for perspective families, current families, and alumni. A top class arena will also bring opportunities beyond hoops.
I trust the president, AD, and trustees have weighed these decisions and a new arena is needed. Cook is as good a site as any and I think once it’s done, most will agree it’s a better use for the space.
When I first moved to Ohio/Oxford in 2000, I remember seeing a 20/20 bike race around Cook Field and thought it was a cool event. I thought it was a shame when they built a random bell tower and ruined that track.
That was a cool event. It looks like MUSF tried to revive it a couple of years ago, but it didn’t stick. My roommates both were big cyclists. I rode a lot when I was in high school but not really after I got to Miami. But they used me as their alternate so I got to ride in qualifying for the 20/20 one year. It was a blast.