Maybe the other option SHOULD have been the middle of Slant Walk.
That would’ve caused actual protests (maybe even an insurrection of roudebush)
Where’s Marty McFly to donate a quarter when you need him?
And you think that is the proper thing to do with it?
Hope they’re also signing petitions about, oh I don’t know, saving higher education in Ohio?
Would have made Cook Field a popular alternative though…
I think most of the people signing the petition could care less about basketball and would protest if it was put anywhere on campus except for the millett lot
I am just curious on what you base this? My understanding is parents and students are not happy about this decision. But maybe you have information from current students and/or parents you would like to share?
An example, one of many in this same tone: “I’m curious as to what actual community feedback was. I have yet to encounter anyone - on or off campus, old or young - who liked the idea of using Cook Field.
I’m glad that we only have one child at Miami and that our younger one won’t even apply (desired program not offered). I’m an alum and while others have certainly supported the university more than I, my financial contributions over the years are not insignificant. Once our son graduates, we’ll certainly be funneling our giving elsewhere. Minuscule drop in the hat to the University but it’s the principle.”
Miami parent, faculty spouse, Oxford resident, Redhawk sportsfan here. I can attest to the above from cool papa, no one in my four relevant circles likes this idea, and I’m also sure no one except the Starbucks guy was even consulted or will be heard going forward. The school is becoming more and more transactional, the campus more like an amusement park. p.s. The proposed back-salary resulotion for faculty is a squirt of piss, but that’s for another thread.
My experience is that trying to get Miami students to attend basketball (or any athletics) is almost impossible currently. They won’t ever use the arena except for graduation so why would they care. I am more curious about why people care about cook field so much, it’s not particularly pretty, the field isn’t a very good surface, and isn’t used for many events other than intramurals. Any concerns about lack of recreational space will get solved by a new field in the lot where millett is currently. I’m not sure what’s not to love about the current proposal. Sure you might like a different area for the arena better but I don’t understand why anyone should have a problem with it being built on cook field
If the Cook Field location is upsetting to the type of student who would waste time protesting something or signing a meaningless petition, then I’m all in on Cook Field.
One of the many complaints, and I am just listing one to answer your question partially, is the tremendous traffic problem at that corner. More than one person has referred to that corner already as a “clusterfuck”.
Also, it is not just where intramurals will be played but the disappearance of green space. Many students utilize Cook not only for intramurals but also to get away from things. Also mentioned many times by parents and current students.
I am simply listing reasons parents and students are raising regarding this choice. And many, many have pointed out one of the original reasons for a new arena was to get it “closer to uptown”, which they clearly have noticed this site location does not fulfill. I’m not necessarily taking a side, just pointing out many are not happy for a variety of reasons. I know there are faculty members on this board, perhaps they can chime in.
I guess you wouldn’t be one to celebrate the Miami history in the civil rights movement.
My experience (as a student from 2020-24) was that people never really used cook field, especially on weekends (when you’d think people would use it most). I rarely saw people on it and if I did it was likely intramurals. If I ever saw someone playing catch or passing a soccer ball, or sitting outside on a picnic blanket it was likely on one of the quads green space.
I’m passing on information. Nothing more. What I posted above in quotes is from a Miami social media site. Perhaps some of the members of this board who are faculty members, family of faculty members, or parents of current students would like to chime in. Or current students if there are any.
That history is something I am very proud of, but basketball also has an amazing history at Miami and that has been driven into the ground. This year is the first time in a generation since we have been actually fighting to bring back basketball. 1200 out of 18,000 in a University is kind of meaningless. 12,000 would be significant.
I guess owning the libs is a decision criterion for siting a fifty-year capital asset. It’s not a good reason, but at least it’s a reason.
It has been mentioned intramurals will move to the Millet Hall location
I thought they sent a survey to students and they picked the Cook field location? I thought everyone hated slant walk. Personally I dont have strong feelings on where it goes - but I just have a bad feeling that instead of being a positive this is turning into a negative no matter what.
And… The lib card.
Yes…I edited the post! It was minor though. Onward.