Real Football 2023 - Miami at Miami

Not to say Coach isn’t the problem but with their D we’re pretty much up against superior forces.


Yeesh…I’m sure we have a Grad Assistant that can call plays…

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Right on cue

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Did Aveon make the trip?


For the love of God can we retire the first down delayed run for a loss?


This ACC announcing and network is annoying. Just play on ESPN or another network so we cannot hear all the homer crap.

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On that 3rd and 2 the Hurricanes had 8 in the box…we had no chance at running th ball yet we do it anyway!

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Why Mozee up the middle on 3 and 2?

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How can our play calling be this bad??? Junior high coaches could see that a run wouldn’t work there


PxP guy: “The punter has had the busiest night of any player for Miami of Ohio.”

No, he literally hasn’t. If you meant the most productive, I’d buy that. But he clearly isn’t the busiest.

Wait what happened to dom dzioban??

Agreed…bummer, hopefully an ankle sprain, only.

Take all the starters out. Care for the injured. Get the hell out of Dodge.

PS. Improve the offense, please.

This really isn’t hyperbole. It’s not one or two plays, it’s his whole philosophy. He’s scared of innovation, of being unpredictable. He knows he probably won’t win, so LETS TAKE OUR LUMPS, MEN! ON TO THE MAC!


End of 3rd stats. As Jim Bouton once said…Tell Your Statistics To Shut Up!

(Bouton was reminded of the classic Peanuts strip in which Lucy explains all the stats of their ball club’s performance, and Charlie Brown says, “Tell your statistics to shut up.”)

Nope…we are trying to win :wink:

I’m sorry it’s just numbing…U is improved, but our Miami never had a chance w/ this plan. Why I had hoped it would be different this year…no idea.

Did he get hurt?

Other lesser tier schools go in and play with P5 all the time…not us with CM.

They’re exploiting the right dude of our D line with little resistance - all night.