Prediction Thursday - Toledo

In the fine MHT tradition…

Good guys 27
Rocky and Bullwinkles 24

Funny note: I read the static display of the rocket on campus is pointed in the direction of BUGS.

Miami 31
Toledo 27

I don’t have a great feeling about this game. Their RB Penny Boone is averaging 7.4 YPC this season. Duel threat QB’s typically give us a lot of problems too. Sorry to say but…

Toledo - 27
Miami - 20


Miami 26
Southern Michigan 24

We are going to be too much weight for the Toledo scale makers to lift: us 21, them 14.

Hate to say it, I have a feeling of dread for this game. 31-21 bad people win.

Don’t fear. I have a hideous musical trick up my sleeve. They will not be the same team after I’m done.

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Hopefully our defense can learn a bit from defending UC/Emory Jones.

We have the better QB. 23-21 Miami.

Not optimistic.

Dancing Rockettes 31
Miami 27

31-28 Miami.

Miami 28 ut 21

Toledo is a 2 point favorite…which would equate to a 27-24 win for them against the spread.

The real contest will be on the field Saturday, and not at a window in Vegas…so…

Let’s flip the score and have Miami winning 27-24…which also matches aba222’s pick, the first on this board.

Nicholson for the Groza.

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Miami 28-24

31-28 good guys.


Toledo is 38th in scoring in the country. I’m with the others who have a bad feeling. If they hit their average it’s going to be them 31. For us? Who knows.

My biggest prediction is since Miami is trying to get a great crowd for the game, the weather will not cooperate, and it will be a miserable day. That seems to be the case lately. No matter what the situation, it almost always adversely affects us.

Miami 24
Toledo 21

Have you seen who they’ve played this year? We’re without question the best defense.


Miami is the best D Toledo has faced, but Toledos rushing offense is 3rd in the nation and Toledos passing D is 16th. Toledo has the better matchups. Miami is better on specs, but Toledos kicker is still 7/8 and 29/29. Jaquez Stuart being injured and not participating in kick returns could hurt UT.

NIU has a pretty stout D which forced 3 INTs and held Ohio to 13. Toledo put up 35 on NIU and the Huskies even got a scoop and score to help their total. Toledos victory margin was better than MUs against WMU and UMass. The scary thing is when Toledo played in weather were totally bogged down. If it rains Saturday Miami has an exponentially better chance EVEN if rain supports our run game and hinders your passing game. On the bright side for Toledo it has won all kinds of games. Down 10 to SJSU, got a pick 6 vs. preseason MWC POY Cordeiro to win by 4. Was down 10 to WMU then Finn was carted off to see backup Gleason to storm UT back on 35-7 run. Down 10 to UMass to win 24-3 in 2nd half. Won a low scoring slog vs. BSU in the rain. Boat raced TSU 71-3…

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I know Miamians are intensely weather-averse but the forecast for Saturday is currently for 67 degrees, breezy with a slight chance of rain. No weather excuses!

Quit acting like losers. We’re better. We’re at home. Done.
