Positives From Miami Loss To Toledo

We need to try some other ( redshirt jr.) QB’s. What could go wrong?
Nothing against Gabbert.He needs to get healthy.
He is a Miami Legend and always will be. Should be groomed to coach.

But, I have to take 12 aspirins just to watch him.


That pick Saturday seemed like an instant replay of the fourth quarter pick at Northwestern. Wasn’t it the same crossing pattern play with Virgil the target?


The sad reality now is that there will be zero real pressure on CM from AD’s office. Miami just can’t afford to fire CM in the foreseeable future (or even ever until his contract expires).

Controversial perhaps, but I don’t think Miami football should ever employ a Football coach for a decade+. Embrace the Cradle and strive to get people hired away. And if they don’t in 10+ years, that’s a pretty good indicator from the market that your coach probably isn’t who should be leading the program into a second decade.


His recruiting is good for what he has to work with… It just seems to be in game playcalling/clock mgmt, winning bowl games, talent development, winning early season OOC games that’s the problem


Chuck in ten years:
-Beat 2 P5 teams
-Has a win over a top 25 team
-2 MAC championships
-few if any kids in trouble with the school.

He’s not going anywhere unless he leaves. His resume is beyond bullet proof for a MAC coach.
At least that’s how it seems to me. I wish we can solve some of the issues others mention, but overall I think he’s been pretty solid.


Wanting to fire the coach that just won the conference is some top notch Message Board Geniuses material.

We definitely had too high of expectations going into the season after many of our great players were poached and we lost a few terrific assistants. So goes life in the G5.


We had a lot of really good players graduate, give up football, or run out of eligibility - Ertl, Dowell, Wilkins, McKee, Marshall, Bolden, Vaughn, and Jackson.

We’ve also been hit badly this season with injuries - started by losing Kenny Tracy in August. Downey, Coldiron, Wise, and Hilton are the latest casualties. And Meurch just decided to walk away.

This is all in addition to losing Nicholson, Smith, Larvadain, Woulard, Amos and Warren to the portal.

This is definitely not the 2023 team.

If we improve in all three facets, we can still compete in the MAC and get to a bowl game. But dreams of making the CFP were really just a pipe dream.



This. Also, let’s not forget what he inherited. There’s building a program from the ground up, but he started deep in a hole, below ground level. Disappointing season so far, for sure, but all the hot seat talk is ludicrous.


I’m pretty sure he wants to win prolly way worse than people realize. Year hasn’t gone right but we will rebound.


It worked so well for Shane Montgomery!

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I know he does, Yellow, but what’s with the position coaching? Why aren’t we calling for fair catches on kick offs? Why do we keep running our smallish back between the tackles? Why do we continue to waste timeouts and struggle to get plays called and then incur false starts in the confusion? Need I go on??


I do not understand football nuance the way many do here. Position coaches need managing like any other leader. I’m just saying if Chuck worked for my company, I don’t think I’d have cause to fire him.


Jason Candle is in year 9 at Toledo and just got extended through 2028.


I not so sure his recruiting is all that good either. Not horrible but I’m not giving him a gold star on that front.

We haven’t been able to recruit a backup QB that could challenge our starter. Huge drop off in talent. Something seriously wrong has happened with the oline but none of these young giants have been to rotate in?

The portal has given (Gage, Rashad and Ty) and has taken away……so maybe a push on that front


I think Coach Martin has done a really good job and I am surprised with this thread

I still think we have a chance to have a decent season and last year we had a great season

But we werent ready for the rule change to allow for multiple transfers and losing Gage and Amos without a replacement was a killer

We need to hit the portal more effectively next year


Listening to press conference he still thinks winning formula is slow playing games, sticking with same schemes and keeping everything extremely tight. Would it kill us to play fast, or try other players, or God forbid build a lead and bury an opponent every once in a while? What we are doing now does not work and with the exception of last year does not work consistently.

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He would probably argue that we have won 2 of the last 5 mAC titles (and one year we only played 3 games)

I totally agree I wish we would play faster at times and I wish we would bury teams. I dont mind being conservative and special teams secure but our offense needs to be a little more aggressive at times. For example we were way to slow with UMass and should have gone up tempo

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I just think we give CM too much slack…because “We’re G5” or “We’re a MAC school.” It’s just hard to think of many places where consistently going 6-6 is acceptable. I don’t mind CM or want to necessarily see him leave. I just think something needs to change. And yeah I’m also frustrating because I thought we were finally turning the corner!