PGA what a mess

Ok, want to do a quick reset in this thread. We’re here because we’re fans of Miami sports. Let’s be cool :grin:


If anyone on this thread has ever wanted to master the finer nuances of three putting, send me a DM and I’ll give you some special tips. The kind of stuff they don’t teach you at Ledbetter or the other fancy schools. You’re welcome in advance!

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Two words: Cog Hill.

Back to lurking.

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Lurker, first of all, this is an unexpected gift! Hi! Also, do you golf? If so, I would imagine you are pretty great as most hockey players are awesome athletes. Say hi to Mrs. Lurker and the little Lurkers.

This has nothing to do with golf, it’s just funny

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Wait wait wait! I see Monroe from Empty Nest, and the owner of the diner. Where is Bundy’s neighbor?

Edit: of course! I’m a dumbass! It’s Jefferson D’Arsy! Aka: Monroe!!! Aka Bundy’s neighbor!!!

@MightyMU1 Ok, I understand you and @thechuck_2112 have had a misunderstanding over semantics and perceived meanings. Not an unusual occurrence on a message board. But when you disparage @The_Sackman that’s a bridge too far. @The_Sackman is my boy and, trust me, his insults and attacks are not meant to be mean spirited. He has what I would characterize as a unique style. I am on another message board with him and a group of millennials; it took me awhile to realize that is how they communicate. Their interactions are often done with a tone of insult and disparagement. It’s not mean spirited or personal. It’s a generational thing.

As for the Blue Jackets, let him have his delusions.

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Hold up now…The Sackman is a millennial? I call Shenanigans!

Did he threaten to castrate you?

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What is said in private messages shouldn’t be shared publicly. That’s a breach of forum etiquette and trust. And to be honest, similar to the situation between Mr. Scheffler and the Louisville police officer, it seems like there was a misunderstanding between you fellas. It doesn’t seem as though any ill intent was intended from either of you, at least initially. Like our old sports coaches used to say, “shake hands, men.” We’re all Miamians.

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Stop brown-nosing The Sackman.

I love (and honor) Miami. I do not live on this board though.

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You like his style. He viciously attacked everything Detroit and Mr.Ilitch, who was a saint. A wonderful man who did many charitable things without fanfare. He did not deserve to be disparaged repeatedly by Sack. Why the animus/hatred is beyond me. When you say he was “not meant to be mean spirited” couldn’t be further from the truth. He may be your friend and you may appreciate his “humor”. I found it offensive, especially after he did it at least 50 times. A few times–OK. Repeatedly was beyond the red line.
Sorry, Grumpy. But his “unique style” is more than boorish. It was disgusting to me and others. And he kept it up, like it was a game. If it was a game, I would have played along. But at no time did I think it was his “schtick” and therefore understandable. Despite my requests for him to lower his tone, it just encouraged him to be even more offensive. At no time did he say, “hey, Fred–it’s a joke, man.”
And with this post, I am out.



Wow, I leave this board for one week…

Update: here’s some footage of the event from a different angle. My sense is that there may be a discrepancy between what was said and what reality shows.

Edit: the officer was let go by the department. I sorta wonder if they know a lawsuit is coming…

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I think Scottie has driven a golf cart with almost no juice left in the batteries at a faster clip than he was moving in that courtesy car.

It also appeared that he stopped within four seconds of the time the office started motioning him to stop.

Where was he dragged on the road?


There is a lot to unpack. Can’t wait for the attorney minded folks here to weigh in.

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Remember the first Police Academy movie where Mahoney comes up to Lt Harris and says “Sir, I’ve ripped my pants.” That what I’m envisioning right now.

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I would heart this to the moon but alas, there’s only one per customer.

Ps, a friend of me one time told me I drove like Hooks from Police Academy and to this day, I count it as one of the nicest things anyone has ever told me.

Here’s a clip:

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