PGA what a mess

Scottie gets arrested for disobeying a police officer and ends up in jail? And people say golf is boring. I won’t comment on anything other than, if you (the tournament) knew there would be delays, why not work with the police to get the players a police escort? Also, when I was a new dad I was pretty sleep deprived and not thinking clear most days. Granted, that part hasn’t changed much, but why doesn’t the tournament have a courtesy shuttle pick him up? Or hire Enterprise! Actually, scratch that. Every time they show up in the ads, the car windows are covered in brown paper. Heck is up with that? Anyhow, save Scottie!


I blame Tiger. He’s the one who got them all into steroids.

We will see how it all shakes out, but read one report where witnesses said he did nothing wrong and was following to directions of another officer.


It’s actually the PGA Championship, but your points are well taken. It doesn’t seem consistent with Scottie’s personality, so hopefully things will all get sorted out. Sad thing is that someone lost a life in an accident near the golf course prior to that, which caused the traffic issues that involved Scottie.

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This may be a convoluted way to learn who the world #1 golfer is, but it’s definitely the funniest way to find out who the world #1 golfer is.


Curious to see the footage.

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I fixed my typo. Yes it’s the PGA. Doh!

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Ps, what a round by Scottie! Most of us who play would have our round completely waylaid by an errant drive that came too close or an alternation with some drunk jackass who thinks we are playing too slow. How Scottie shot a 66 under those circumstances (which might actually have been his best second round score ever, I’d have to look) is absolutely wild.

When I saw the cop who arrested him, I saw he is a detective. That raised a red flag. He probably hasn’t been on traffic control for awhile. Nor has he been in uniform–probably. But yes, he is a genuine, first class slap dick. I hope he loses his job. The fact they cuffed him and placed him in a cell is another outrage. And who was the prosecutor who wrote up a felony charge in an hour?
These guys are supposed to be “hosts”, not cops. And who puts their arm inside a car? Good thing for him Scottie didn’t hit the gas pedal instead of the break. That detective would be on medical retirement, at best.
I expect either a major lawsuit by Scottie and/or an apology and dismissal of charges by the middle of the week. If not–unleash his attorneys on the cop, the department, and the city. Love to see the cops record. Bet he has several abuse charges in his past.
Oh, and Vallhalla and Louisville, don’t plan on another PGA event in your city for a very long time. A huge event for the city, stained by some moronic Kentuckians. Gee–it figures!

I know, right? This sort of treatment by cops is only for the other people.


No, I actually oppose it for the least among us, not just the most well healed. You know, the actions that make attorneys rich and leave city taxpayers on the hook for damages caused by bullies and arrogant officers who can kill or maim often without any accountability.
And yes–in this case, all the cop had to do was check his pass and let him in. Period. No reason to insert himself in a confrontation. And whether you acknowledge it or not, this was a golfer participating in an event that helped bring millions of dollars into the community. Scheffler can do that on his own. He deserved additional courtesies not available for the masses simply by the fact that he, and the other golfers enrich the site of the tournament. No golfers? No full hotels, restaurants, and the millions that flow to the PGA and, in this case, those that service the tournament in the city of Louisville.
And what was your point?

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Beyond the curfuffle, I don’t think this course hosts another major as it’s a weak track. Two rounds of 62, and 61 today will relegate it to the bin.


It’s not so much as weak as the weather has played with it. Especially the greens. When they get wet these guys know how to stick the ball to them and freeze it on them. Then putting becomes different

Let’s wait till Sunday. Give the course a night to really dry out and the sun bake it. But I do agree, the course has become too easy. It’s not the length of the course it’s the directions it takes.

My experience playing a couple Jack Nickolas designed courses is the greens are maniacal and undulate like crazy. And that’s what has been causing these guys extra strokes


Now it has been revealed by the Loiusiville PD that Det. Gillis did NOT activate his body camera. How convenient. Why, detective did you fail to do this? Seems like everytime a cop gets himself in a bind, the body camera was not activated.
Turns out the car Scheffler was driving had a large sticker on it that identified it as a tournament courtesty car. What else did Gillis have to know? Apparently more than he could absorb on this important job he was assigned doing traffic control and making sure that all who tried to enter this player’s entry had the passes. Pathetic “police work” by Gillis.

Depending on the traffic, it’s possible a motorist captured the event. Or possibly their car did.

Edit: there was footage captured from a fixed camera across the street that will be released soon.


Let us hope so. I have no doubt it would reveal the abuse of his discretion and orders/directives of the department for the tournament. I’m just shocked that the idiot didn’t pull out his service weapon, if he was allowed to carry one on that very dangerous assignment.

It’s being reported the charges against Scottie will likely be dropped early this coming week. What a mess is right. Seems like a mountain was made out of a relative molehill



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Great top 10 field this week. Awesome to see. Xander is so talented I’m not surprised at all.

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