Ohio at Miami 7:00 Friday on ESPN+

What happened with the student section seems consistent with what every other student section does, for better or worse. I commend the students for trying to get something going. As someone who tried to do the same, stay after it and try to be as creative as possible with what you’re doing.

As far as the team, we need to keep the perspective that we have an inexperienced backcourt, whether they be freshmen or D-1 newcomers and it’s awfully hard to win with a backcourt like that. Next year, I’ll want them to be the leaders of the team, dictating the tempo of the game. They weren’t the main reason we lost the other night, but a more experienced backcourt would’ve tried to control the game more. One example of this was the 3 Potter took late in the 1st half when we were still up 9 or 11. Normally, I’d be ok with the shot, but with the helter skelter play of the last several possessions and the great fortune we had that OU didn’t take advantage of that stretch, our guards shouldn’t have thrown him the ball. They should’ve stopped, waited, calmed everyone down, and run the offense. You can’t blame them too much for doing what they normally would, but that extra realization of controlling the pace only comes with experience.

I think if you wanted to be really fair, everyone involved with this edition of the program deserves an incomplete grade. It’s not a headline grabber, but that’s what it should be. Now starting next year, this year’s freshmen will be a year older and we’ll have another group in, plus Dean, Morris, and possibly (I know nothing) Mabrey and Lewis. The number of holes should be dwindling. I could see us getting an experienced D-1 guard, but that would be it for me.

I’m glad we keep honoring Charlie. Other schools have a memorial type game for someone they want to honor. On and off the floor, Charlie, to me, was the ideal Miami rep.


I anticipate besides the two freshmen signed Steele brings in 2 transfers. That is based on current available scholarships. Obviously if players transfer that number of transfer players we bring in could change.

I’m not really sure what conversations have/haven’t been had. Just know about this from a quick comment a coach made to me. I trust them because they’ve always been good to me/talked straight. With that said, I’ll be cautiously optimistic until I see it for myself. I think they have a good track record with walking the talk. They’ve made investments in social media and students which wasn’t there in the past (all working towards the same goal mentality Coach Steele has stressed). Coach Owens never gave us the time of day and after a handful of games, Coach Richburg was asking for our phone numbers. Hopefully my optimism is justified, this comes to fruition, and we can fill the bleachers.


Thanks, but I’ll pass. Bake can still rock the mic all he wants to.

“My goodness! Salopek showing no fear going toe-to-toe with two Kent State linemen to get the sack. But even if he had shown fear, that’s okay, because Fear Is Never Boring!”

-Sledge calling Miami football (I’d listen!)

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I see what you did there. Rob Fetters would approve.

Unknown fact: I once called a couple of Miami field hockey games EONS ago. I was … not good. Hopefully Bake has burned those tapes because I don’t have them.

One thing I like to do is go position by position on the starting lineup and ask “What Miami starters would start for OU?”. Truth is, I am not sure we have one player, other than perhaps Elmer who starts for OU.

I agree 100% with Travis Steele’s first words in his post game presser “that was a straight ass kicking”. That is sure what it looked like sitting in the stands.

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