Ohio at Miami 7:00 Friday on ESPN+

I’d tell any student who shows up the same thing: don’t ration passion. If you want to go bonkers, do it to your best level. But, you all have cameras on you all the time unlike us old fans who were lucky to remember to pack a disposable one. To that point, the video of you looking like Dirk Diggler with a pool noodle is gonna be shared and around forevers online so keep that under your Kangol.

(I may have just dated myself with the hat reference. Balls.oh well. Carry on.)


Go sit in your tennis match Millett. But to sit there and bash students who have been busting it to rebuild a college basketball environment in Millett is such a douche comment. What an absolute elitist comment. I genuinely hope you never enjoy the environment in Millett again, because it means it’s finally gone in the right direction.


@JiveHawk in fairness, I admire you jumping to the defense of students making an effort. That is appreciated. The 90% of the students in that section who didn’t dangle pool noodles from their pelvic areas deserve that defense. Thanks for their enthusiasm - keep it up.

Please reserve the middle finger and “F$&@ OU” for a time when we back it with a competitive showing on the court.

Also - I have been to other college games/campuses/arenas. If that is the “college” atmosphere you aspire us to, I pass.

I spent a couple years at University of Dayton before transferring to Miami. I was there during their run to the Elite 8. The student section and arena atmosphere were consistently listed top 25 in the country. I have pictures of the aftermath from the round of 32 win. I want every Miami student to get to experience what I did. That’s the atmosphere I aspire to.

If I had to sit in a Millett full of students waving noodles around in a phallic manner or a Millett full of that tennis match bs that exists, I’ll take the students every day.

And one that doesn’t validate every Miami elitist stereotype. I’ve watched people get angry about clapping in Millett. It’s basketball, not a tennis match.


Geez. Next year I’m wearing pool noodles attached to my pelvic area for every game. And maybe one as a tail.



Interesting watching the group come to the defense of idiocy. There was a family sitting immediately next to mine. They were visiting Miami for the first time. Had two daughters with them - one who plays HS basketball at her school in Cincinnati, and 5th or 6th grade sister. Right out of the gates: “Fuck OU! Fuck OU! Fuck OU!” Ok - cool. I can let that go; I’m sure I participated in that back in the day. Then - noodle hardons pointed the direction of OU’s bench including a number of other gestures. Nice - good showing. The middle fingers as a response to having our asses ran off the court by a program that is managing to field a good team most every year given similar resources, school size, etc.

I don’t want a tennis match. And, I get loud and passionate at games. Remember - I paid to be there and had my family in tow. We weren’t there to attend mass. All good. It is context: it came off small, unintelligent, and frankly weak minded. It goes part and parcel with the product on the floor. I’m commenting about the whole show. Keep your high expectations for yourself and the program with these comments that support exactly what I’m criticizing….


Theoretically we should be getting the old large bleachers back last year

I’d be thrilled if she chose Miami and could find there what I think she wants. I’m commenting that I lack confidence that she will given the state of things at present.

Has anyone listened to the goggin chants? A lot more sexual/obscene/offensive than what the brickwall is trying to do at millett. And plenty students join in at goggin. My friends who I’ve brought to their first game tell me they want to return (even after a loss) specifically because the chants made it fun


The old, large bleachers exist? They’re stored somewhere? Or we’re getting new ones? Why “theoretically?”

The Stanford Contraband truly sucks - a totally classless embarrassment to their great university.

For Miami, Ohio and Cincinnati may be somewhat crudely disparaged. Eastern Michigan, Texas State and especially teams like Wilberforce and St. Mary of the Woods should not be.

Although it is a venue I haven’t had the pleasure of visiting, everyone who has tells me it is the epitome of class. It’s Memorial Stadium at Nebraska. People describe Husker fans as inordinately knowledgeable about visitors’ programs, polite to them and passionate about their own team. Class seems to be the piece that might be lacking in the atmosphere some are aspiring to establish at Miami. Class was something about Miami I was always proud of. Crass - not so much.

I wouldn’t rush to push him out because he can be valuable when locked in and he’s won games for us in the past. But yeah, it’s a bit tough to figure out what to do with a sharpshooter who has a tendency to go ice cold for a month at a time. Deadly weapon when the threes are falling; one of the worst players in the conference when the threes aren’t falling.


I was told by one of the coaches we’re getting them back. But that’s the only thing I’ve heard about it

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Was at the game.

Ultimately, OU just has better players than we do. To me there was a pretty dramatic talent gap between the two teams. Especially in the backcourt. Teams with quick, athletic guards like OU are kryptonite for Miami. We don’t have anyone like Mitchell or Hunter (who didn’t even have a good game.) Weirdly Akron is a better matchup for us because they’re strength is their front court.

The turnovers were obviously a killer and they were all live-ball turnovers which is worse because they lead to points. Some were due to Ohio’s pressure, some were just carelessness. Anderson had a couple backbreakers. Not a great senior night showing from him (or any of our seniors for that matter.) OU might be the best team in the MAC at this point. Wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they won the tournament.

Big picture, we’ve got to upgrade the roster. A friend who I was with last night who hadn’t seen us play asked who our best player was. I didn’t have a good answer which is a problem .Basically it depends on the night was what I said. I’ve said it before on here, but we are a team of third and fourth options. I honestly don’t believe we’re poorly coached. We play hard. I like some of the stuff we run on offense. We’re miles better on defense. Under Cooper and Owens we were comically easy to score on. What’s the expression? “Shit through a tin horn.” That was Miami on defense for the better part of a decade. But we just need better players. Specifically in the backcourt. I think Cooper and Ipsaro can get there, but the gulf between OU’s guards and Miami’s is wide. And we can’t go bargain hunting. Hunter and Mitchell came from Old Dominion and Creighton. Two of our three transfers were from D2 schools and it shows. We can be the most technically sound team in America, but if the guys executing are just mediocre, the team will be mediocre (still not sure how we beat Vermont who as I write this is 26-6.)

I think Steele can do it, but we need to add hard through the portal after the season. I know they’re our top three leading scorers, but I don’t think the seniors we are losing will make that big of a difference to how good we are next year. Anderson was just never in shape this year. He can’t rebound and he’s a liability on ball screen defense. Darweshi and Bultman are nice complimentary players, but there isn’t a lot of difference between them and the eight or ninth guy on our bench.

I like all of our freshmen. Especially Elmer. I think they can all be all-mac type players, but unless two or three of them make mega sized jumps next year, it will be more of the same without some added scoring punch via the portal.


There should be clapping and cheering in tennis and golf!!!

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Next time we play OU or UC at Millett when those teams take the floor I expect everyone in the stands to turn around and do this!!



Holy crap…a DG post! And 2 nonetheless! It just takes us getting smacked around by OU. Disappointed I got no love for the “Ohio delenda est”.

So what college atmosphere are you after, exactly? Is there a particular school whose student section you have in mind as one to emulate?


I was planning on addressing our AD with that idea. We need about 8 to 10 or more rows of bleachers that run the entire width of the court. That could include the pep band and student section. I mean that is what we always used to have. Some people could dress up like the current group, others don’t have to, but hopefully it would be students there to actively support the team. When you say theoretically, how far has it gone so far? Just discussion? Do we still have a section of bleachers somewhere which can be moved there or do they need to be purchased? Have you talked with David Saylor about all this? Or someone else…I really appreciate what you and Adam Redsuit are trying to do.


I’ll take last night minus the idiocy. Ideally, last night minus the idiocy plus many more students to see a winning team.

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