New Miami Arena Rumor

They’ve run promo ads during games in the past. Most recently it’s been either the From Now On ad or the For Those Who Will ad. I think this new one would be terrific to appeal to potential applicants and their parents.

Miami ranked # 426 in this year’s WSJ college survey…beaten by many of what we would all consider inferior schools.

Polls and rankings are strongly dependent upon what you’re measuring and, by my recollection, the WSJ placed a heavy emphasis on employment and years needed to pay back tuitions. Still, very disappointing to see Miami rated so low.

Hopefully, Miami’s Trustees, President and administrators will study this data and decide to deal with reality of where we are.


This year I’ve watched every game but 1 (EMU) and there have been no promos/ads

In fact in two games, OU had ads run……and they weren’t our opponent!!!

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Miami should buy the Toledo Medical school,locate it in….Millet!
A win-win!

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I haven’t delved into the WSJ rankings, but what emphasis is placed on basketball arenas? Serious question. Is there any emphasis on athletic facilities at all?

If we build one, we can find out! :wink:


Now you’re talking! Great idea!

or across from Lewis Place.


Our score and ranking dropped quite a bit in the WSJ poll from 2024 (so did OSU) but we are still the 2nd ranked public in Ohio.
The only really big change for both schools was their Salary Impact Score, which is 33% of the overall score. No idea how or why this score would drop so much for either of us when nearly every other measure is about the same from the 2024 to 2025 rankings but it looks like every public in Ohio had a big drop in that score while private Ohio colleges were not affected.

** Salary impact (33%): This measures the extent to which a college boosts its graduates’ salaries beyond what they would be expected to earn regardless of which college they attended. We used statistical modeling to estimate what we would expect the median earnings of a college’s graduates to be on the basis of the exam results of its students prior to attending the college and the cost of living in the state in which the college is based. We then scored the college on its performance against that estimate. These scores were then combined with scores for raw graduate salaries to factor in absolute performance alongside performance relative to our estimates. Our analysis for this metric used research on this topic by the policy-research think tank the Brookings Institution as a guide.*

Best U.S. Colleges 2025 - WSJ / College Pulse Rankings -

I’m trying to understand the methodology without looking at a mathematical example……but wouldn’t this favor schools in high cost of living states?

ZERO in WSJ poll on athletics…but I believe they devote a percentage to DEI.

Here is the map that is circulating at Miami that shows the preferred locations for the new arena. As you can see the top preference is the slant walk location. You can also see that directly across the street, Miami is, in fact, considering the Lewis Place/Lottie Moon House as a potential location as well. The crazy talk is real.


Hoppy you rascal! That’s the same map I sent you years ago showing where the supposed Havenhurst gold was buried on campus. We should get the backhoe and start digging as I’m certain one of them is gonna lead to pay dirt!


My top two preferences would be 2 and 6 to avoid disruption to the campus/green space while staying close to the core. Didn’t realize Tappan Field was high on the list, I’m strongly against that as it’s about as far from Uptown as you can get, isn’t close to the center of campus, and would disrupt the MUMB significantly.

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#2 or #7. #7 could also be the location for a new on campus hotel. Matter of fact, I think that is the perfect place for it. There it is settled. Arena on #2. Hotel on #7.

The JohnnyMac plan has debuted at #2 on the charts.


I agree on 6. I didn’t realize that was buildable. No buildings to tear down, right next to parking, more centrally located, no hallowed ground complaints

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I think #7 is a dorm now……used to be Miami Inn

1 or 2

It’s an eyesore from the outside. The old Miami Inn. Unless there is some historic value, they should get rid of it.