Miami vs UC Game Thread 2024

Even if they had converted it, I still wouldn’t unserstand the decision. The risk/reward is too lopsided in that situation.



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I just don’t get why you go for two there. If you wanna go for the lead then feel free to go for it after the next touchdown, but when our run game has been ineffective all game UC knows we’re probably going to run a gadget play like that. Honestly I think McDonald might have squeezed in if he didn’t run into Coldiron.


Fox’s reasoning is baffling. No OT Chance now

Down 14, scoring and going for two is the simplest possible scenario where it makes sense. It’s tough to not get it, but it’s the obvious call



This is why I like just taking the XP. It’s the exact same situation with Pitt and UC last week. Pitt won in the end so it didn’t matter. I know the conversion percentages say go for two but if you don’t get it, you’ve taken point off the board. And now, if you do get a stop and score again, now you need to get the two.

In a scenario we get 2 touchdowns down 14 I wouldn’t go for 2 anyways. Miami would have all the momentum going into OT and UC is horrible in the red zone

And not making takes the stuffn’ out of our momentum…

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OK…time to turn off the game… ugh

:musical_score::musical_note:Where have all the students gone…:musical_note:

Saved by the flag


Wow. We’re hanging by a thread here.

Good thing I read the thread after turning off the game…now back on after the TD called back

Man that QB is hard to bring down

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It’s another Miami Tradition!

Students bailing out of a game that isn’t worth their drinking time


Sure wish we had kicked th Xtra points.

They’ll see the ending at brick!

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Mistake by ESPN there listing 1st down after the penalty when it should’ve been 2nd if I’m not mistaken.