Miami Student Victim of Po Po Brutality

Weird way to say you don’t want an athletic program at Miami :wink:

To respond seriously, I think it’s clear Devin made some poor choices and those are being addressed through the legal system. But use of force by police should be based on what is necessary in the moment not because of what someone had done prior, even immediately prior.

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Things aren’t done in a vacuum. What would be the appropriate, proportional force to subdue someone who has not stopped resisting me?

What did the three punches to the head do? It had the kid stop resisting to protect his head……even though stopping resisting was temporary

And after the second cop arrived, and he started resisting again by trying to push himself up off the ground, what was more appropriate to kneeing/kneeling on his lower back?

Both uses of force stopped the resisting….neither caused permanent, serious harm. So what’s a better force answer that could have gotten the same results.


Illinois is one of the states in which I practice. This is a nice primer on this subject by a Chicago attorney.Excessive Force By Police Officers: A Complete Guide (2023)

“ For example, tackling a cooperative suspect and using a taser on the suspect despite the suspect posing no threat or resistance would be unreasonable, and thus excessive.

Conversely, if the suspect actively resists arrest, struggles with the officer, and attempts to flee, that changes the analysis. Under those circumstances, tackling and tasing the suspect might very well be seen as justified and reasonable under the circumstances. This is one of several reasons why it’s never a good idea to resist arrest.

Remember, an officer’s job is to protect himself or herself and those around them. The officer may use force as reasonably necessary to ensure that everyone else stays safe, or that they’re able to arrest the suspect. Any threat to others or resistance to arrest may justify some use of force.”

Seems like a good recap……

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That’s exactly what I took from that article as well. Ridiculous

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I’m not sure he knew who was attacking him. He had three bouncers on him when the cop jumped in and pressed his face to the ground. I think your natural reaction is to resist that. He may not have known that was a police officer.

Really? Have you been to Brick? Probably 50% of students are underage.

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Bring back the 3.2 Red caps for 18 year olds!

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Not many fight with bouncers and then the cops, eh?

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