Miami at Northwestern 2024

They’ll never do it. Makes way too much sense.


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Bugs Bunny used to catfish Elmer Fudd by dressing up like a lady to seduce him. Granted, 99% of the ruse involved him slicking his ears back, but still. In retrospect, that was some very wild shit.

This is funny

Orange slices not included

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Sad part is according to the articles they aren’t even playing on the football field, they are going to use the lacrosse/soccer field next to the football field


I was flipping around youtube last night and saw a podcast on the NW stadium plans. The podcast was
under the name of “depressed ginger”. The guy is clearly a NW fan and was discussing the stadium plans and sites for games in '24-'25.
During his comments, he belittled the plans to use the lacrosse/practice field for their OOC games. Looking at the lacrosse field, he indicated that additional seating is limited due to space. He continued to identify the early schedule and referred to the Miami, Duke, and E Illinois games in disparaging terms. He referred to these teams as, “Crappy opponents at this crappy facility”. He further stated that these games are against, “Really bad teams like Miami of Ohio”.
What a slapdick! I intend to answer his comments directly to him. I firmly believe that we will beat NW–maybe even dominate them. Afterwards, I intend to remind “depressed ginger” what he said about us. So, fire up!! I just hope I can get a ticket–but it’s unlikely.


That guy is a gold plated asshole. He really doesn’t know s#I+ from Shinola. I think his allegiance is to WVU. I never watch his crappy podcasts.

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Have at it :smiley:

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If Miami had a living breathing AD who gave a shit about the players and fans, he’d demand the game be moved to Oxford


Ignoring all of the reasons why it doesn’t make sense for either team, how do you think DS could demand anything, let alone changing the game to a home game, when there’s a signed contract that Northwestern isn’t violating?


It probably will be not too hard to get a ticket or two to this game. Northwestern’s students don’t come back to session until September 24th. The last game at NW had a total attendance of 23,773, and that was when classes were back in session in Evanston.

I’m planning on going to this!

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Professor, you have lots of good takes. Your suggestion here was nowhere close to being one of them.


We don’t hold a lot of good negotiation cards although maybe we can get a hoops game scheduled with them. That would be a nice win

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What does the contract say about the number of tickets they had to provide to us to sell?

It might now be a large percentage of the “stadium.”

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Someone said either upthread here or in another thread that we get 5K tickets in the contract, which will easily be 1/3 of this place.

I was pretty stoked about going to this game, but now not so much. I think I’ll pass.

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Direct allotment of 1/3 of the tickets, weeks before Northwestern students return, in one of our biggest alumni bases, coming off an 11 win championship season with most of our stars returning? Yeah this is going to be a Red Sea.


…especially with the huge marketing/ticket push by the Miami Ticket folks!!!



Yep, we were looking forward to this game. Not so much now. Probably just stay home and watch the game being broadcast using hand held cameras from high up on row 25 or whatever. Too bad, we were looking to getting together with you, our tour guide from Mobile.


It’s still Chicago in late summer. Maybe Alex will get an Airbnb Yacht and we will tailgate on Lake Michigan and wade to the game? Kind of like the Volunteer Navy, but red.