Miami at Northwestern 2024

I wholeheartedly agree with RedSea. I was looking forward to going to this game and a weekend in Chicago. Due to Northwestern’s incompetence and stupidity Daisy Jane and I will be taking the Ventura Highway on a Horse With No Name to see America on August 31st instead. That said, i hope we beat the crap out of Northwestern.


Dr. Riprock, I don’t want to brag but I’m pretty certain I once waited in line behind a member of the band America in a Bank of America.

Yep, we were looking forward to meeting up w you that weekend. Linda and I are watching on tv. Does not seem as if it will be a great experience, but maybe it will a “something to talk about” trip for some.

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This year’s road schedule is incredibly kind to those who live in Northern Ohio, Northern Indiana and Northern Illinois. Five of our six road games and the MACC are essentially along the I-90 corridor between Toledo and Chicago. The sixth is at Ball State.

Sure would be nice to see us on road for a regular season game somewhere south of the Ohio River on at least a semi-regular basis. Doesn’t look likely outside of another game at WKU in 2027 and one at JMU in 2031. JMU is actually closer to DC than anywhere down south.

Every other MAC team is scheduled to play multiple times outside the very tight eastern Midwest footprint over the next five or six years. Not Miami!

We continue to have the most region-bound schedule in the entire conference. It’s great if you live in that area but it doesn’t do much for fans and alumni who live elsewhere or for national exposure.

@YellowNumber5 I once stood in line behind Walter Alston at a bank Uptown.


Smokey? Too bad it wasn’t a bbq.



Looks like it is going to be a day game.

No doubt!:soccer::field_hockey::goal_net:

Miami is starting out as 4 point underdogs to Northwestern.

I bet miami beats northwestern


The Man, we agree to agree.

I think we have a good shot to win, but I think the line is about right. Only being a 4-point dog on the road against a B10 team isn’t bad. Anyone remember the line last time we played them? They were pretty awful that year.

We were a 7.5 underdog in 2022

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Wow. I think if our 2024 squad played that team, we’d be a TD favorite and probably win by double figures.

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To be fair, IIRC the ‘03 team entered as slight underdogs (I think it was +1.5) vs. Northwestern. It has nothing to do with anything now obviously but that has to have turned out to be the most ludicrous line in all of my years of watching Miami football.