Martin interview

“That’s why we laugh at all the fans…”
Click here or Eddie will cut out your liver with his 9 iron



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What an odd interview. Did he really just challenge the fans to come out and practice with the team?

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And then just insulted every white collar career for having no clue about facing adversity. Ok, Chuck.

Yeah, No. It does seem like a fairly strange opening of camp interview. Chuck is nothing if not eccentric. More so each season, it would seem. A touch of Mike Leach, perhaps.

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This interview doesn’t bug me any. The only people who would actually watch it know he’s a weird interview to begin with.


Yes we do and that he is.

I’m admittedly a distant Miami football fan and have spent almost zero time listening to Chuck Martin interviews over the years. The 1-3 OOC records and 4-4/5-3 MAC records just haven’t kept me engaged.

For whatever reason, I watched his MAC Media Day interview a couple weeks ago and today’s interview, and both made me cringe. He seems unlikeable, condescending, and generally annoyed with having to do the interview.

I love listening to Travis Steele. The way he talks about Miami, recruiting, creating a winning culture…gets me excited about the future of Miami bball. Nothing about Chuck Martin, at least from two interviews, makes me more inclined to invest time and energy into Miami football.


Read a lot on this board that Martin cares for his players and they play hard for him.


That seems to be the case, even though the guy is definitely on the quirky side for college head coaches. His teams might underachieve but I’ve never seen one quit on him.

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Guys, this is just Chuck. It’s always been Chuck. He is the living embodiment of “football guy.” Sometimes when he says things in interviews, it seems like there is a more elegant meaning in his head than what he conveys with the actual words that come out of his mouth. Seriously, when he gets going like that with the rapid-fire analogies and whatnot, it often seems as if something gets lost in translation. He’s just football guy, you smile and nod at him, and move on with your day.

It’s not as though he’s ever sat behind a desk in an office setting, dealt with the stress and perils of a difficult real world job, navigated intra-office politics, etc. He played football all his life, went to college to play football, and has had a lifelong career coaching football. So don’t take it personally when he says what he says, because he literally has no idea about life outside of football.

When he says what he says, it comes from a place of fierce protectiveness of his players and the game that he loves. He despises outside criticism of any kind, because he doesn’t think anyone outside of the football world has the right to criticize. I’m no psychologist, but that’s what I took from that interveiw, as well as my general observations of him over the years. Personally, I’m not sure how much of his company I could handle at a dinner party or whatever, I could see him rubbing me the wrong way after a while, but players adore him, and that’s what matters.


My question is what criticism is there? There is no criticism from the outside media because there is basically one guy. This message board has been fairly tame all summer on football- not much good or bad except posts on recruiting. So where is the anger coming from?

I would love a “Mike Leach” offensive scheme and results!


I think there is a media trap people fall into called “media training”. Some of these coaches say all the right things on camera and are gross and greasy dirtbags behind the scenes. That’s not Chuck. He actually reminds me of a good friend of mine who is a math genius. He rubs people the wrong way because he’s blunt and terse and doesn’t suffer fools terribly well, but he has a heart of gold, would do anything for most people, and those who take the time to know him see that. Me? I could care less about how Chuck interviews or sounds as long as his players love him and staff works well with him. Mainly, Chuck, just win, baby!


I think this is an accurate take. I watched the video, and it’s just typical unfiltered Chuck stream of consciousness. I prefer that to scripted media-wise slicksters any day.


He worked for a Big 4 accounting firm for two years after college doing audits

Really? Well, then I suppose I have to retract what I said about not taking his barbs personally. Everyone who “sits behind a desk for a living,” Chuck thinks you’re all pussies. Ha!

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Well, God love him, he’s an odd man. Good coach though.

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I think you are pretty close. He’s in your face. Players do not like him, until they are gone. Then they generally love him as they mature and appreciate what he taught them. He’s the same CM in an interview, at practice, probably at home. He’s not trying to impress anyone. Most coaches I know don’t want to talk to the media.


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