Martin interview

I know Coach was an accountant and I think he did have a job but I think the Big 4 alum is Sayler

He was at Deloitte and Touché

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Miami’s going to have one come September 1 - it’s just that it’s the wrong Miami.


His son has special needs. I think he’s had more of life to deal with than many of us.


You see? This is why I’m one of the fans that he laughs at. Because I’m an idiot, and I rarely know what I’m talking about. Had I played football at a collegiate level under Coach’s tutelage, perhaps I wouldn’t suck so bad. But alas, I was too old, lacked the athletic ability, and it was not meant to be.

Look, I am a Coach Martin fan. I may not know the man’s life story, but I think he’s a great coach, and I feel like I’ve sung his praises around here (as well as the previous hawktalk sites) over the years. I honestly didn’t even intend for my post to come off as negative, it was supposed to be a defense of his interview which was rubbing some guys the wrong way. Having been around throughout his tenor, and hearing a number of his interviews over the years, I realize that’s just his way, and no one should take any offense to it. That was the gist of my post anyway, but I recognize that I’m also not the best internet poster when it comes to articulating my thoughts.

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I hope Chuck is still laughing at all the fans after last night’s effort.