Marching Band Songlist

I’m sure that the Stanford band rolling into Evanston or Ann Arbor and doing a “Halftime Salute To Everyone Here Who Tried To Get Into Stanford” would go over extremely well.

Even Notre Dame, who craves the sense of academic equivalency that they think their annual series with Stanford gives them, has banned that band from appearing in South Bend.

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Good grief, man! Why on Earth then did you tell me to go watch them? They sound like a real band of angels. Hells Angels!

Because you strongly implied you wanted to see a band outside the boundaries of what the musicians on the board consider to be a good band.

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Yeah but I was talking about musical antics. You know, playing one verse from the pina colada song over and over. Notpissing on a field. I can go to my local dog park to see that for free.

Their show attacking Todd Graham was tremendous.

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Rice may have the only marching band with violins.

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Looked up some of the Rice band’s attempts to poke the stick at Texas A&M, and they are hilarious. They’re witty and smart. I don’t find the Stanford band to be witty and smart. I find them to be mean-spirited and boringly self-reverential. They are smugness incarnate.


9 months later I talked to my daughter. She said there were 2 different half time shows last year that they switched midway through the season


Interview with the new band director:

If he’s gonna do Hair Bands, he needs the following:

  1. Slaughter
  2. Dio
  3. Poison
  4. Ratt
  5. Dokken
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Too bad the reporter didn’t ask him any of the questions we wanted to ask him.

“classic socio/economic conservative bent”? Maybe 30 years ago.

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Should hire @mattsledge to put together a playlist.

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The Hoover Institute is still based there.

That’s just asking for trouble. Expect lots of Ministry, nine inch nails, and Butthole Surfers amongst my picks.

No “Dead Milkmen”?

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I’m mean, but not THAT mean.

I’ve gone soft in my old age. I may need to find that edge again.


So you’re saying tracks 11 and 15 from “Big Lizard in my Backyard” are not going to be up for consideration?

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