Not much info available on the official MAC site about the championship. Here’s what Toledo has posted on its alumni site. Ticket block info might be on their athletics ticket office site. I didn’t check. Not many details on the stadium ticket link from the MAC site.

Toledo is just an hour from Ford Field so they don’t have nearly as many travel items to coordinate as Miami will.

We will be the MAC East rep. Sackman has guaranteed it.

UT does have a school-specific ticket link.

I was looking at past attendance of the MACC yesterday. It seems Toledo doesn’t bring nearly the amount of fans that the Michigan teams do when they play (surprising since they are within an hour drive).

Hopefully we can bring a decent turnout to Ford Field.


Our official site:

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Will be there +2. As someone who hasn’t used the Miami ticket site in a long time (usually get my tickets to past games through Alumni Band) I do have to laugh at the 300-minute time limit to buy.

Sackman takin’ the fam. Everyone loves a good underdog story.

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My lovely wife and I will be attending.

Well, that was interesting. Called the tix office to put a deposit on my season tickets and get a few bucks off for Detroit. The polite young man said that was the first he had heard of such thing, read the release sent out and said he would call me back tomorrow.

Impossible to believe how disconnected that team is



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In a preemptive strike i called the tix office between Pickleball games. This time I talked to a woman who apologized for putting the student I talked to earlier in a bad position. The regular staff was having a meeting on how to handle the tickets. This woman (Alex) was very good. All is good so far


To be honest, this really feels like a MACtion promotion. Get The Miz out there!

WWE has announced a new partnership with the Big 12 conference that will see the two collaborate for the Big 12 Football Championship. WWE and Big 12 will introduce a custom title belt for this year’s MVP, which will be given on the field after the game by a WWE superstar.

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There is a $20 “sponsor a student” option when purchasing tickets. After last nights turnout, I’m a little skeptical. But I guess, if nothing else, it’s $20 gift to Athletic Department. I’m buying a couple. The students who actually do want to support this team will hopefully enjoy it.


Are there official hotels for each university? Toledo might not use a significant block of rooms but Miami might.

Not sure if this is already common knowledge, or if CM let the cat out of the bag last night on Hawk Talk. But he mentioned that the MAC is going away from divisions. Not exactly sure how soon that’ll start. Perhaps we’ll be the last MAC East champ.


Does that mean no more MACC, or just the top 2 teams will face off in Detroit? I’m assuming the latter.

Yeah top two teams will play for the championship. I guess the SEC is going to a similar model

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Top two. It could also mean not playing the same teams every year except for a protected rivalry or two.

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Absolutely the latter. Until last year you had to play round robin divisions if you had 12 or more teams to have a championship. Assume that change is why the MAC might change.

Assuming that there are at least some permanent opponents for rivalries, that seems like a ok change. Under the current/recent setups we go awhile without playing some teams in the west, and I don’t care that much about playing east opponents apart from Ohio annually.

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If this is the case I would image every team will play 3 permanent rivals (ours being OU, Ball State, BG?) with 5 games rotating against the rest of the league.