Future Schedules 2026-2029

A bye week again in the first four weeks in 2025, not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Missouri is bunch of chicken


So did Missouri pay us to cancel - amount?

New announcement out on 2025 schedule. Now it’s:

@ Wisconsin
UNLV in Oxford
Lindenwood in Oxford

Do what TCU did to tOSU and buy billboards around Columbia and call out Mizzou

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If those UC games do fall off the board, Miami has up to 11 holes on its OOC between 2026 and 2031. That’s a fairly large number of unscheduled games. 2030 is a completely blank slate.


Wouldn’t be surprised if we saw Northwestern on the schedule again for when their new stadium is open, I could see Sayler agreeing to a deal to reduce our 5000-seat allotment for this fall in exchange for a future buy game with a hefty payday.


That’s a whole lotta holes

(Laugh track)

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Noticed that Missouri has 3 non-conference home games in 2025 to go with 4 conference home games. Surprised they would cancel our game to get another home game. FBS schedules does not know why this game was cancelled either.

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Two winnable games

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I’m excited for Rutgers….its about 75 minutes away and my old neighbor is the OC there


Hopefully a very winnable game, too!

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Love games on the Banks of the Old Raritan. Birthplace of college football (original field is across river tho). Nice stadium and great food in NB. Will be a fun roadtrip (NYC, shore, etc).

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Football only members of the MAC was mentioned as a back up position to the MWC last year. I wonder if that’s still on the table.

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