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Blues, you and I are on the same page. But how much has football had built for it over the last 10 years vs the rest of Miami athletics? People on and off this board always complain about the lack of facilities.

Miami has better facilities than a local Big12 team and an NFL team that is competing for a playoff bid each year, yet it’s consistent .500 records and excuses after every game and year from the coaching staff.

It’s 10 years of next year. 10 years of needing to put more money into football. It’s so frustrating.

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The game passed CM by a number of years ago. D 1FB at the level we need to play is not Grand Valley State football of over 10 years ago. Last night was another wasted and disappointing trip that could have been ( and should have been ) a competitive game. Yes the U has some excellent talent - CM and his staff knew that months ago but the game plan including esp play calling showed no anticipation of this fact. The consistent two first down unsuccessful running plays and an anticipated pass play on third down will not beat anyone. Throwing long fade routes into double coverage ( our first O play of the game ) a perfect example- when it was clear what coverage the Canes were in ( ie safety help for the corner )for that play you check off and go to another play. Our O line is terrible and a continuation of poor play from last year - go back and see how poor this group played even against Robert Morris.The players and coaches in this group need to do a total restart. Our pass play D still is a " frozen zone " in most instances with our defenders waiting to move after the reception for the other team has been made in their zone . We also continually play 10 yards off of other teams out routes giving up valuable yards and possession time to the opposing team. An objective review of CM
"s game day tenure clearly shows changes need to be made. Our 10 year plus slide in FB will continues unless or until drastic action is taken- does the Administration really care?


At this point, I’m surprised people are surprised at our play. Like another poster said, CM may be a great recruiter, etc., but he’s no Lance Guidry. Now that the program is right-sized, we need a coach that can put give this program a pulse.


Biggie Smalls has the Huskies barking for an upset over BC right now. 9 minutes left in the 4th and they are soon to be up 14.

Which begs the question, who in the MAC coach-wise would you rather have than our head coach?

I’ve said that our administration at Miami, from the President down to the AD, don’t care at all, about the success of football, nor do they care about the fans nor the long time season ticket holders. I’ve been patient far too long.


Another OOC game, another disappointment. I too am surprised that people on this board thought we realistically stood a chance. What is Martin’s OOC record?

Hopefully the boys get pissed and take it out on UMASS next week.

OBTW, I do missed Guidry (except for his repetitive “I’m from the south” fixation during interviews). Looks like things worked out better for him in the long run.

I’m not talking about football facilities. Those are about as good as you will get at a mid major.


If you are limiting me just to the MAC, that is easy. Jason Candle.


Why do we keep lauding Chuck’s recruiting? I would say the same thing I had said about basketball. Where are the stars? Where are the impact players, the future Miami Hall of Famers? I’m not saying it happens anywhere on a regular basis, but it should be possible for a dynamic coach (and staff) to recruit a marquee player to Miami University once in awhile. I get NIL’s impact, and maybe it will eliminate stars from ever coming. But I just don’t see this staff getting those guys.

I am not ready to throw the towel in on the season yet. Yes there are issues but I think they get worked out. It didn’t start out well when the team had to divert to West Palm and spend over three hours sitting on the plane and arriving at the hotel about four hours late for their meal. Then the rain delay as they were starting to come out for warm ups. That heat and humidity was awful, defense played well the first half but they flat out were worn out second half. Yes play calling leaves a lot to be desired but I think he will adapt, he did it with defense and I think he will here also. O line needs to get better, run blocking was not good at all, a sort of positive was only three sacks. Gage Larvadin can be really good and Bevelhimer did a great job filling in for Dzioban. I am not blind, this was not good but the Canes have talent and they are big and fast, Miami U had a couple of true Freshman out there on defense. Now if Miami is 1-3 after OOC I will start thinking about throwing the towel, but for now I will just wait and see.

Well at the very least we aren’t Marshall losing at home to Albany 3-0 at halftime.

Wait now. Are you talking about hoops past or present? Because this gentle reader thinks we have the makings of a very special team this year. I’m assuming you mean during the last couple regimes.

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Thank goodness because for a hot second up was down left was right. And I didn’t know if I was on foot or on horseback. Candidly, it reminded me of my wedding night!

Bearcats put a hurt on Eastern Kentucky today. Not sure what people were thinking that they were going to be any easier this year.

Texas St has 35 points and over 350 yards of offense just after halftime against a Baylor team that’s two years removed from a Big 12 championship and has one of the best defensive coaches in college football. Despite what Chuck Martin may say in a press conference, these things are possible for a team in a lower ranked conference.


At the half, Toledo 12 Illinois 7.

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Now 19-14 Rockets

I hope people on here are watching this Toledo v. Illinois game. Toledo is losing now but they are going head to head with Illinois.