
No mascot? No cheerleaders? No alumni event?

Our 7th year senior- “we’ll show them September 1st.” Lol. Cmon man.

What are we even doing?


No mascot or cheerleaders is pretty sad when they pay you 1.5m to show up and play


They should have let the 7th year senior call the plays. Couldn’t be worse than that shit show CM just displayed.


Time to consider focusing resources on another sport since can’t compete anymore in the new landscape.

No we need to focus our football resources correctly.

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To me, it appears that the primary goal in engaging P5 schools in football contests is to “Pick up the check.” Rarely, if ever, have we seen a concerted effort stemming from the head coach to actually attempt to play inspired football.
The in-game and post-game bitching by posters on this board hoping for something better continues unabated. Reminds me of the definition of insanity…we keep hoping, yet, the coaching approach against P5 schools seems never to change.
Miami is so predictable that even my wife knows what the next play will be…as well as what the overall game strategy is…reread the first paragraph.


Here I am fixing this sentence for you:

“Rarely, if ever, have we seen a concerted effort stemming from THIS head coach to actually attempt to play inspired football.”


But also, the overall tenor for football has been it’s all about the MAC.

I think we need a refresh in FB. Overdue at that.


Phil nothing says refresh is needed more than this stat I posted on another thread:

This does not include yesterday:

Chuck Martin

Career Record: 10 Years, 45-59, .433 Win% (at major schools )

Bowl Record: 4 Games, 1-3, .250 Win% (at major schools )


If Miami loses at Mass then I will worry. The Canes are stacked with a 4 and 5 star roster.

Huge gap in talent last night.

Gabert does need to shut his pile hole and just play football


I honestly believe that the decay in the football program is consistent with the overall direction of the entire university. We had excellence in so many things in the 70s and 80s. I don’t feel Miami is excellent at anything today. The university is suffering from atrophy. Other institutions make progress in multiple areas but Miami continues to regress virtually everywhere. I realized this when I objectively looked at my kids’ college choices and realized that Miami just doesn’t measure up. In good conscious I could not advocate for them to go there. I was a proud graduate following my father and prior to my brother and it saddens me that Miami no longer represents excellence. Football is just what continues to illustrate that. Last night’s game simply served as just a sad reminder of what we have become.


Well this is an encouraging post MiamiAlum since my daughter just finished her first week of classes as a freshman at Miami!!

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Sorry. I hope I am wrong but that’s how I feel. I hope your daughter has a great experience. I would like nothing better than to be proven wrong.

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It’s the reason why 75% of this staff has not moved on since they got the job years ago.

Brechin, Welsh, Martin… if they had won some of those P5 games early on, there is no way they’d all still be here. Now no one will touch them

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If a rise in football success correlated to academic success Boise State would be the Harvard of the West and Marshall U. would be the West Virginia University of the East.


As a Miami fan, I never go into these games at P5 schools expecting a win. What I hope for, though, is a team and coach who will represent the university well, play hard and disciplined, and put forth an effort that makes you believe they can play with these P5 teams, particularly a team that is coming off a bad season and turned over half their roster in the offseason. None of that happened last night. We didn’t belong on the field with a mediocre P5 team, and it was painfully obvious from kickoff to the last minute. And that’s with a Qb who has started for us for 4 years.

Embarrassment is right. Condescending Chuck needs to be fired. Maybe he can challenge us fans to come out and practice with the team again. Chuck is embarrassing every time he speaks, the 4 year starter Qb runs his mouth about the real Miami. And then put forth that effort, what a joke.


Oh how I long for the days of Randy Walker. Talk about teams you could be proud of.


Indifference breeds further indifference. Miami has lost the Magic…Regarding football, I still have my Miami Magic button from decades ago and I’m afraid the vast majority of “hired hands” at my former university are lost and wandering in the desert.
Meanwhile THE OSU (where I received my law degree) and UC (which from most accounts, and much to my chagrin) have lapped Miami in key metrics.

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The past 20 years of MAC football have seen a number of okay/good coaches who went to a few bowls but their tenure went stale at a certain point. Joe Novak, Gregg Brandon, Tom Amstutz, Bill Cubit, Jeff Quinn. They were eventually fired or not resigned, replaced by Dave Doreen, Dave Clawsen, Matt Campbell, PJ Fleck, and Lance Leopold respectively. I’d say that’s a pretty good endorsement for moving on when a MAC coach is too competent to be conventionally fired in a few years after being a complete dud (the Treadwells and Mike Jinks of the world) but not good enough to get hired away by a bigger program. That’s where we probably at with Martin.


Yes, that’s where we’re at with Chuck. Andy Dalton was competent enough to make the Bengals respectable, not good enough to ever win a playoff game. It’s the worst place to be in professional and college sports…middle of the road, because you stay there forever.