Dae Dae Grant can break Ron Harper's career scoring record

I had been thinking about posting this topic for awhile, but now seems like the perfect time. Dae Dae should be made aware that if he can stay healthy and put up two more years as good as last year, he has a chance to become Miami’s alltime leading scorer.

Freshman year 296
Second year 314
Third year 561
Total 1,171

If he plays two more years ( and he has two years of eligibility left because of Covid) and matches this years total each year, he would be up to 2,293 points. Ron Harper’s career record is 2,377, so he would be a little short. However, each year Dae Dae has worked really hard and improved his game. He might just move his average up another couple of points, plus it is certainly possible that we might get more postseason games. If he doesn’t break the record, he would certainly be close and over 2,000 points, becoming only the second Miami player ever to accomplish that. That means Hall of Fame and your name listed forever in all Miami stat lists.

It is certainly something he should consider before deciding to leave. He has worked hard and gotten better every year and there is a lot of attention and some major honors ahead of him if he can put in two more years at Miami to match what he did this season. A Miami degree has a lot of value.

It is very unlikely that anything he can accomplish elsewhere would match up to what lies ahead of him here. I know he has to be frustrated by our lack of team success and wants to win, but bringing in a new coach and staff that wants to make the whole team work as hard as Dae Dae does everyday might just make that winning possible. There is a lot to be gained by staying and leading the team.


Well said and great advice for the young man.
Chuck Martin made similar points about football. These kids who transfer for one or two years somewhere else after investing three or four years at Miami are being short-sighted. They are not likely to ever make the connections, the relationships or have the lasting identity the next place as they would at Miami,
Transferring after one year because it is not a good fit I can understand. Jalen Adaway leaving after two years is understandable. He will actually end up at St.Bonaventure for four years if he returns next year for his Covid year.
Did Danny Godlevske really improve his draft status by going to OK State compared to staying? The latest I saw he was still just projected as a FA signee.
Great post, Dick.


Steele will undoubtedly meet with him and we shall see…will depend on how much Steele wants him to stay as well…you would think he would want him to…

well in his Mo Egger interview, he said we have some really talented guards…there’s only two or three of them on that list that are known (Lairy, DD and Avance).

Think he’s talking about Double D for sure.

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Dambrot is hosting Dae Dae in Pittsburgh this weekend.

Dae Dae, I hope you come back as I think coach Steele is going to get this thing going correct.


Dambrot sucks. That is all.

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He had Duquesne moving up in the A-10 pre-covid. Not so much since.

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Merging because I’m not sure we need more than 1 Dae Dae thread.

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From Oxford to the Shire…with Bilbo Dambrot?

Ouch…the 6 and 24 or something Dukes

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One thread for every Dae?

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Eight Daes a week

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They have a crappy record and their name is The Dukes. I think it’s symbiotic.

Go Dookies!

Just taking it Dae by Dae


If he stays at Miami, I’ll start a basketball centric religion in his honor called The Church of Latter Dae Dae Saints.

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Honest question (and I apologize if he reads this board)- why do we care if Grant stays or goes? Yes, he’s a good player, but he’ll be a senior in the fall. Even with Steele, it’s not like we’re close to competing next season. I’d rather just take our lumps next year and let Steele bring in his own guy for 4 years with that scholarship. This is not akin to losing Michael Weathers after his FOY campaign.


Better to take our lumps and be .500 in conference play than to be .250. If Steele can grab a few good transfers, we could be respectable. Dae Dae is pretty darn good, but played Nike S. style sometimes. Pure curiosity wants to see how his game does/doesn’t change with Steele.


I am not very smart when it comes to hoops. And as an assistant coach on a team of first graders, this bodes poorly for Amurica’s future. So feel free to rip me here (and if you do, take a number) But: how can we assume it’s a total rebuild next year. Iowa State went from 2-16 to sweet 16. Why not us?

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I’m not even an assistant coach to 1st graders, but something tells me bringing players to a Big XII school isn’t as difficult as bringing them to a MAC school. Yes, ISU is in a much tougher conference, but they also have more resources. They also had 9 upperclassmen return this season. We just waved goodbye to several seniors.

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We only won like 9 games last year not counting the ones over d3. I feel pretty certain we can exceed that. Even with a net new team. Guess we will find out. I hope I’m right!