Buffalo vs. Miami

I’d prefer that but hey another 3 and out is pretty awesome too. As the announcers called out our secondary (and specifically CBs) have been stellar tonight. Smart play by Caldwell to block away the UB receiver after tipping the ball since there’s no PI after a tipped ball.

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Take four minutes off the clock and score a TD. Stick a fork in em!

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Bulls’ O very predictable.
Even more so than ours.
And, their qb switching is telegraphing their next play.
No sign stealing necessary!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hang on. Tight end if needed. ( ok, I’m still under the influence).

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No, Akron has no offense. UB has no offense. For all the moaning we’ve done the past couple of weeks… we could be fans of either one of those teams.


Ohio misses a FG.

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Lighten up Francis. There are plenty of valid critiques of our offense tonight and the past few games, but as they’ve shown tonight (and at OU) they’re not incapable of scoring on their own.

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Y’all, not sure how this happened, but we got the game on here at the Carolina Hurricanes game! Let’s go!


Aveon looks totally different running when we have a comfortable lead and icing the game. He bursts up the middle with confidence. It’s awesome. I just wish he would run that same way in the first three quarters.


I mean we are the best football team on the entire planet playing on TV tonight. MACtion ftw.

I dunno how or why Aveon turns it on late in games the past few weeks, but it’s been working.


Sweet conversion!!

Sergeant Hulka knows what’s up.



It was pretty obvious to go for it there, but kudos to Chuck for doing it (and the offense for executing). That ought to do it even if we don’t get a TD here.


Paint Amos green and you will have the Incredible Hulk. The guy is a beast!!!


I liked going for 4th down but this jumbo package isnt gonna work

I had little doubt we’d run it there to kill all of the UB timeouts, but I would have appreciated a more ambitious series of runs to make it a three possession game (and secure my -8.5 spread bet).

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Aveon does a super job running the option. He has some very deceptive fake handoffs. I recall a previous game in which the camera was totally faked out - me included. He would be a superstar in an Army/Navy/USAFA offense. The pass to Tracy was great. He has the arm and just needs some confidence building throws. I hope Chuck lets him develop.


I am guessing Chuck not even trying to score TD. That formation on first and second down and then the keeper.

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