Bowl predictions and preferences

Bowl games don’t like teams to repeat in back to back years (for multiple reasons), so safe to say OU won’t go back to Arizona this season.

Assuming we win the east, it’s also very likely we will not return to Detroit for Quick Lane. Process of elimination and AZ is decent bet (as is Idaho IMO).

The MAC champ has never gone to Boise, but the runner-up has a few times and we’re one of three MAC teams to never go to Idaho so that would be my guess if we win the East but lose to Toledo. If we win the MACC I doubt we go to Arizona if it’s a steaming-only game.

I would be interested to see us play Liberty since they’ve had a joke schedule but a potentially undefeated opponent is a good challenge. The MAC’s only set C-USA bowl opponent is the Bahamas/Charlotte game so probably not in the cards, I can see ESPN matching them up against JMU.

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Yeah I don’t know if attendance is even factored into these picks anymore, but if so, a Michigan based MAC school (or of course Toledo or BG), would bring more fans to Detroit than Miami.

Really hate the idea of Miami being in the only bowl not available on cable, but I am sure an Arizona trip would be fun for the team, coaches and parents of the players, plus it would be fun to play against Boise.

I have looked into viewing options and it looks like I can use my Roku smart TV to watch it on Barstool…I assume it’s some type of pay for view set up. Otherwise I guess you gotta watch it on a laptop. :cry:

Primary MAC ties are with Arizona. Boise, Bahamas and Detroit. We’ve only played in one of these four.

We’ve only played at two of these secondary locations - Mobile and Frisco.

  • Cheribundi Boca Raton Bowl
  • Camellia Bowl
  • Cure Bowl
  • Frisco Bowl
  • Mobile Alabama Bowl
  • Myrtle Beach Bowl
  • New Mexico Bowl

Nescadad, Where you guessing we end up? I am kinda thinking it comes down to between Arizona and Boise. (So long as we are MAC East champs and play in Detroit for the MACC). If we don’t, I could see us placed in the Quick Lane (which I am sure would not excite the players).

I think it’s a complete pig in the poke. Nobody seems to mention Montgomery but I think it’s a possibility. Our fan base doesn’t travel particularly well so we’re probably not a team far away bowl organizers are lobbying for. But we are more of a nationally recognized brand than a number of other MAC teams. I keep lobbying for us on the Myrtle Beach Bowl Facebook site. If we hadn’t played in the Bahamas Bowl just last year I think Charlotte could have been in play but I don’t think we’ll end up there in 23.

I saw that Brett McMurphy just updated his projections…he had BG playing in Arizona, OU in the Quick Lane, and us in Potato Bowl vs. Boise State.

And yeah, I agree we won’t get the mid to Charlotte since we went to the Bahamas Bowl (when it really was in the Bahamas) last year.

I really think that it depends on our final record and what ESPN thinks would be good for Television. I doubt that ESPN cares very much about how many fans are in the stands, only what is good for TV ratings.

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True about ESPN but the bowl organizers do. They have some say in the process.

Can’t emphasize enough how terrible it would be to win 10+ games and have our best season in two decades, only to get a bowl game that’s streaming only in a crap location against a 6-6 team that fired their coach while amateur announcers who are six beers deep spend the whole broadcast talking about their parlays.


OU (9 wins regular season) was in Barstool last year. Family on OU team so I sat at my laptop and watched the whole thing. The game itself was actually a good one. Overtime win for the Bobbies.

QBurger has it exactly right. The announcers thought they were really funny…they weren’t.

For a 10 win team to have to go there is almost insulting.

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Well, let’s hope we don’t end up there then.

It’s like watching Beavis and Butthead broadcast your game after two pitchers.

I just find it odd that so many forecasters have projected us there…not sure why when there are better MAC bowl slots and we are very likely to be the champ of the East. I keep seeing predictions of schools like NIU and BG w better bowl destinations… seems we should be much “higher up on the totem pole” when it comes to bowl slots!

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Ohio was last year’s MAC runner-up. They were sent there to play Wyoming.


Almost anything with the word stool in it is unappealing. It would be a sad day if we had to pay for streaming only on a NON normal TV network to watch a bowl game. I stream Hulu and ESPN to watch MU, but would be annoyed to watch MU for the Stool Bowl. Oops sorry typo - Bar Stool Bowl.

Playing Fresno or Boise would be a nice bowl game, but with crazy upsets why not NY6?

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Have you ever seen a two loss MAC team in a NY6 game?

Not yet, but it will soon happen….