Bowl predictions and preferences

Would explain how Jack, our student writer, has the info. I assume he is linked in with the players. I’m going to assume this is all true.

App State is a good opponent for us. Haven’t had a losing season in 10 years, imagine they’ll travel pretty well. Good matchup on paper.


Damned! Same date as the Myrtle Beach Bowl and that’s an hour and 15 minutes from my driveway. About my luck the Bobcats get that one.

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Lots to like about Orlando IMO:

  1. App State is 8-5 but is a good team.
  2. Orlando is warm. Flights are dirt cheap.
  3. Game is on a Saturday and not close to Christmas
  4. Game is on ABC and not ESPN


Their campus is “out in the Boonies” too!

McMurphy confirms it.

Jack posted it again

Ew, it’s on 12/16? I prefer later bowls. This doesn’t seem like much of a reward for an 11-2 MAC champion. Oh well. Hopefully we can get a 12th win.

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Ugh. Knee surgery on the 15th……yet another MU game I can’t travel to see

App State is a perfectly good opponent, and this should be fun. But I’m a bit miffed we didn’t even rate a G5 champion matchup.

DS was probably negotiating for us to stay home, based on the results of his crack committee.

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App State took UNC to two OT and is the only team to beat JMU. We’ve never played them.


And ActionNetwork has us opening as a 6.5 dog.

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I’m not complaining about the opponent. They’re pretty good despite their record. It’s just the Cure Bowl more than a week before Christmas isn’t super exciting


This is going to be a great game. Kudos to Troy for beating them. Appy St is tough

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I take back what I said earlier.
At this point I’d rather be in the Arizona barstool bowl classic or whatever it’s called.

Okay, let’s get serious. Where is everyone staying. ? I am not going to Disney. Really, this is one of the few games I can make as my holiday schedule is full. Bring ‘em on. They beat Michigan, so if we beat them are we number 1? So what if it were years ago.


Damn Ohio State fans will be digging out their App State shirts from their win over Michigan in 2007

Even if they are 8-5, app state has that “it” factor due to their history that will make random people tune into the game. Source? Personal biases and opinions. Feel free to disagree with me in replies.

I think because of their previous history that a lot of people know who app state is and will be inclined to watch any bowl game they are in, even if they are only 8-5. I agree I wish we had a better opponent but we have an amazing chance to get win 12 and I think a good amount of people will tune in to watch this game.

Downside: I work as an RA on campus and the December 16th date means I won’t be able to attend :frowning:

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