Bowl predictions and preferences

Not Memphis…running out of decent G5 teams. Maybe we get a weak P5 team which I think would be cool

Gasparilla? Duke?

This has serious 2008 CBI vibes with how we’re following updates (although with Twitter this is far, far easier)

Maybe we will get Troy?

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5-7 Minnesota?

Oh god I’d rather have the Barstool crap than a 5-7 team.



Meaning we’ll probably get the losing PJ Flecks.

Why no Troy in Mobile? That seems like a perfect fit of two conference champs

If DS is negotiating this, it might be Detroit - the closest bowl to Oxford. After all he missed out on being there yesterday.

Half of the Barstool Bowl appears to be done:

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Barstool bowl

Toledo to Arizona

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Jack tweeted us for App St in Orlando (Cure Bowl) but then deleted immediately

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That post has been deleted.

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Hmm that’s weird. It was a extremely specific for something that may have been posted in error.

8-5 Sun Belt team a bit disappointing for a special year if that’s the case.

McMurphy confirms Toledo gets the Barstool treatment.

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I just was told from a nameless friend around the fb team that is the correct game/destination but they weren’t allowed to officially tweet it yet.

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Don’t sleep on Detroit. Chuck’s loves Ford Field, too.

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