Bowl predictions and preferences

Sporting News just projected us in the Camelia vs App State. Uggh! You’d be lucky to find a restaurant open in Montgomery on Christmas weekend. Game is at 2pm on the Saturday.


I’ve sat on many a bar stool in Oxford.

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I’m just hoping being the champ keeps us out of the damn Barstool Bowl.


Appy is a worthy opponent most years but you would think we’d be playing another G5 league champion. I was kinda hoping we could go to Mobile or maybe Myrtle Beach or even the Cure Bowl.

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Chuck said in the post championship presser ESPN has first pick and Barstool has second pick and has already told Miami they want them. I can’t imagine ESPN will pass over a 11-2 conference champ though so I’m guessing it won’t be Barstool.


Thx for the info, HoosierHawk! Let’s hope ESPN can find us a worthy opponent in a great venue!


Chuck also said he was hoping for somewhere warm


I would think all our options would be warm…can’t see us being sent out by ESPN to Boise or Detroit. Guessing we are now looking at Mobile, Camellia, Myrtle, or Cure Bowl, or secondarily Tucson.

Would you consider Myrtle warm in Dec?

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It’s 66 degrees there now. That is +25 compared to where I’m currently located.


I think the normal high at bowl date is high 50s. Yea better than Ohio

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Average high temps for mid December in Myrtle is upper 50’s. Obviously not as warm as Florida or Mobile, although some years it’s pretty chilly in Mobile.

If you care about warm weather more than anything else, I guess you should root for Boca, Orlando (Cure Bowl at UCF stadium), or Tucson.

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Here’s a wild card. 24/7 has us playing West Virginia in the Birmingham Bowl.

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And CBS sports has us playing in the Camellia Bowl against Georgia Southern.

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Both Birmingham and Camelia are on the Saturday before Christmas.

I’d be a little surprised to see us play Georgia Southern in the Camellia Bowl now that we are MAC champions.


I don’t think any of these idiots have any definitive information.



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Brett McMurphy has Toledo in the Barstool vs. UNLV, and Miami in the Cure Bowl December 16 in Orlando vs Appy State. That’s not a bad destination and match up. Would prefer playing a G5 champ but Appy was the SunBelt runner up and is a good team.

He commented that the chaos caused by the uncertainty of the playoff teams has caused a ripple effect, disrupting 15-20 bowls that thought they had their teams set. He said as a result his predictions are only about 70% in terms of his confidence level.

P.S. he had both Georgia and Florida State out of the playoffs.

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I want Tulane. I want Tulane against Miami in the Boca Raton Bowl. I have spoken. Make it happen.