BG Game Week 2023

I was afraid of this - possibly month to month…

100% disagree.

Definitely sounds like he won’t be playing tomorrow…hopefully gets healthy enough for the Toledo/OU games

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We got to Millett tonight about 8pm tonight, Friday, to watch a little volleyball and the tailgating lot is completely full and then some!


Good times…like old times!

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I’ll be watching from Warsaw again. Good luck to the team today! Lets keep it rolling!

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Why not come to the game? Wisconsin’s not that far.

Role call. Who’s here. At Millet still plenty of room but 10 tons more than Delaware St3 at this stage.

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Warsaw, Poland…

You win the prize for furthest away so far for sure. Be safe!


Frat and soriorities out in force at West parking lot Could be best student attendance in a century. Area packed and having fun.


That’s what I’m talking ‘bout, baby! Now win and bring ‘em back for Toledo!

It’s packed. Frustrating experience with parking. I had a parking pass but they closed off the lot as full. Not surprising. Would love to have a Miami win in front of the large crowd!


While it sucks you had to deal with parking issues, it’s also good to hear in a way, because it means that the boys are drawing a big crowd to Yager today. Now go out and give them something to cheer about today, Redhawks!



That opening drive lasted for 11:31.


There’s something about him that’s going to be famous.

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Nice methodical drive!

Great drive with short passes. Go D.

Best opening drive since last year vs. Kentucky. Gabbert is already in rhythm!

Good D, bad possible injury.

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