BG Game Week 2023

CBS is going to Athens on Oct 21 for a noon game between Ohio and WMU

Remember that our contract is with ESPN. They take what they want. Then they sell CBSSN whatever games they wish to buy. The games which are not picked up by either go to ESPN+.


I can pick myself out of that photo.

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The lack of decent Wi fi around the sports complex ( Millet,Yager,parking areas included):seriously impede speed of tickets checking in and entry and ability to buy all concessions). The Beer garden lines were immense and couldnā€™t process payment. They had to revert to cash ,also slow. This needs to be addressed.!,! Iā€™m not sure how entry into the evening comedy show went. Millet was mobbed outside.


That is really sad. Lack of preparation is inexcusable. Parking, wi fi, and others need to be fixed. Damn, even if only 500 people show up it would be better to have massive overkill in wi fi and parking help than ā€œunderkillā€ for 20,000.

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Especially when Miami is transitioning to all electronic tickets.Duh!


The overloaded Wifi issue is a chronic problem in almost every stadium. I couldnā€™t get access to it at Spartan Stadium until the MSU students left after Washington built a 35-0 lead at halftime. Even at Coastal the following Thursday night, it was impossible to access Internet in the stands until the student body gave up and left after halftime. It worked under the stands at both stadiums for entry and for concessions, but you couldnā€™t access scores or rosters from your seat.

With the universal conversion to a non-cash environment, this is a tech issue that needs to be solved poste-haste!


Send an email to Dave Meyer or Lindsay Sparks (, to let them know things arenā€™t up to par. It may not get corrected this year, but they will at least be aware of it for the future.

You can also tweet back at Miami Athletics. That stuff gets seen by more people than you would think.

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Please feel free to forward my comments.
Frankly, If Athletic Dept. Mgt. either isnā€™t present and/ or doesnā€™t get
decent information from their staff I canā€™t help them.