Ball State Game Thread

Fine by me. Ugly, gritty wins are still wins.


He always seems to be best at the slants… a lot of good running after the catch by our receivers

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Not getting any pressure on Kelly.

Yeah a pressure or better yet a sack every now and then would sure help.

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See above. I complimented the drive twice. This team as currently constructed should not try to stretch the field to much. Now let’s put together another boring ugly drive!

Can’t really do a pass blitz with BSUs play calling. Smarter to let their QB try to beat us than give up long rushes.

If it is Native American Heritage Month, why aren’t we wearing our tribal uniforms?

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Gary Bettman

Open but throw behind him

That’s a bad combo. Bad hands Wilkins with a throw behind him

AV does not have the accuracy for that long throw.

The fade!!!

And Pat Welch has techmo bowl play calling skills

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That’s not a fade, it’s a corner route

BSU o line doing a good job

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Nice tackle by Salopek!

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Dumb timeout on our part. We don’t have 2 minute offense



We wore the gray Myaamia Unies vs Akron.

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