Ball State Game Thread

Maybe Strader woke us up.

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Great play by Strader!

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Even Amos seemed a tad slow to the hole on the first series…the BSU runners really hit the line w steam and can cut as well as shed tacklers…so far they look like the superior team

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That throw to the Flat for the touchdown was well executed and well blocked. We looked like a real football team on that.

That’s the new Miami version of stretching the field. It worked.

Nice move by Cade to get in end zone and great block by Tracy!


Glad Mcdonald is back. Good things happen when he touches the ball.


Now keep the lead the rest of the game.

Ok well this is setting up like a Miami game.

Great D series. Let’s establish the run this drive. And more throws to Tracy and Cade. Sneak at least one throw to Bolden or Muersch


Is that our Miami contingent towards midfield from the Ball State band?

If you mean Iowaesque yes

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all year I said get Javon Tracy on the field. Finally last two games we are


Just keep nickel and diming it up the field. Possession football.

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That turns into points every time.

Props to AS for making gold out of dirt on that play!

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Really nice play by AV there kept his composure . TD Amos. I think that was AV’s best drive of the year.


Whew. That was another high snap!

Aveon looking good today.


After the first two possessions.