Ball State Game Thread

Not sure about the 2010 team. Yes, they won a MAC title, which this team hasn’t done yet, but they got blown out 45-3 against a UC team that went 4-8. Five of their 7 regular season MAC wins were by one score. Good team for sure, but 10-4 could have easily been 5-7 with no bowl game.

I stand with my statement! Don’t muddle the water with useless math!!

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It’s close. I liked the way the 2010 team finished the season. They kept getting better and better as the season went along and beat a very good NIU team in Detroit, then won convincingly in Mobile. I trust that season’s offense more (Boucher > Aveon at QB imo)

Lots of similarities to this year. I think that UC team crushes this year’s UC team though (Satterfield stinks and Butch Jones was getting them ramped back up starting the next season). I think both Miami QBs in 2010 are better than their counterparts in 2023. This year’s defense probably better than 2010, at least on paper. Special teams this year is better. So it’s close, can’t quibble too much.


As far as skill level, obviously agree (although this year’s defense is quite good and would rank up there, the offense is too far behind to be legit contenders).

I was referring more to the results. Division title, OU win, UC win. This season has had everything you can ask for and still could have a conference championship and bowl win. This is the type of season you wait a decade for. Enjoy the ride.


I get it - the " reasoning " for some on this site is that since we won 10 games - 8 over losing record teams who for the most part were very weak CM should get a long extension. Ok according to this " reasoning " our extremely poor OOC record over the last few years is not important, the fact we had a losing season last year and lost to UAB, BUFFALO, BG and Western Mich - games we should have won, we have had an average record over the last few years, we have not prepared back-ups including esp at QB, the improper use of Brett Gabbert, the poor game management including use of time outs, terrible O play calling all are not important. I believe this is very short sighted and the " next level " is at least a Boise State, Tulane type program . At a minimum if Saylor extends CM he needs to insist on changes in O play calling and improvement in the above areas which if the last 10 years is any indication will never happen.

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Guys, I think it’s OK to enjoy the rise of success of this season, and still be concerned about our abysmal offense today.

Unimaginative play calling, and many poor decisions and execution by the offense, particularly the QB. It was apparent we couldn’t effectively run wide yet we continued to do it and ran some kind of option read on a critical 4th down in which Aveon made a bad call on keeping it.

Call it for what it is was…a game in which we were badly outplayed yet won. I am thankful for the win, but know we have to play much better if we are to beat UT and win a bowl game.


How many times in the last couple of decades have we had a slate of similarly poor opponents and still got nowhere near 10 wins? We get it- double-digit wins in the MAC isn’t comparable to double-digit wins in a P5 conference, but how many other G5 teams have done so this season? I’ll tell you: 7. It’s not easy, even with a weak schedule.There’s no reason to hold the fact that we play in the MAC against us or our HC.

But if you don’t want him extended, what is your alternative? Make him coach a lame duck year with no guarantee he’ll be renewed, and completely destroy recruiting? Fire him now for going 10-2 at a MAC school because the offense was ugly, and pray to some higher power that any coach on earth would be willing to take the job in those circumstances?

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I’ve got a funny feeling about the Indiana job opening up and CM getting a call… quite a pipeline from Oxford to Bloomington historically - John Pont, Bill Mallory, Terry Hoeppner…

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This team reminds me of the Steelers rn- they really don’t seem dominant or all-around amazing and have terrible planning offensively but they somehow squeak out wins and are in a good spot because of luck and good defense

But there’s no way I’m complaining about being 10-2 no matter how we got here a wins a win and we have the opportunity to go get two more while a lot of teams are hanging up the cleats for the season

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Not mentioned as far as I can see is the substantially better assistant coaches that Miami has assembled, especially on D and ST.
Chuck may still be Chuck but he does have a much more talented pool of assistants assembled and melded into a great group than at any time since the Randy Walker years.
Going forward, I think a few of these guys are likely to get poached by P5 teams who will easily pay them multiples of what Miami can afford……
I think Chuck will get extended…3 more years seems about right.

To be fair, the MAC Title game is indoors. So next week “the ceiling is the roof”


The offensive game plan with Aveon has been strategically conservative. Let the defense and special teams win the game. Seems to be working. The offensive game plan with Brett was much different.


Who’s headed to Detroit?


Then we must raise the roof. Good thing I’m a man stuck in the 90’s and know how to do this.

I have no problem rewarding Chuck in some form for what he has done this year. He earned it. And I hope they allocate more money for the assistants. Assistant coaches are vital to the success of a program. We need to retain the good ones we have.

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We need the killer Bs back

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Congrats to players and coaches for a 10 win regular season.

NO complaints from me.


While we have been winning - I would say the offensive game plan has not worked the last 3 weeks. Maybe Buffalo it was ok