Ball State Game Thread

That 1998 bowl screwing is what sent Randy to Northwestern. The Las Vegas bowl initially invited us but on the last day of the season North Carolina became bowl eligible. They disinvited us and invited the Tar Heels. That sucked!

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I thought Smith threw the ball as well as he has until the last few minutes of the game. I would emphasize that with him this week in practice. I like that we got Tracy and McDonald involved. Even if Gage comes back, I would target Tracy and McDonald more. Per S&P, I think our best offense under Chuck ranked 88th. So statistically, we have our best offense with a 1st-year coordinator. Let’s let him keep growing into the role.

Also watching the game, it seemed the run option was taken away from Smith. I think that led to the first INT. He could’ve run us into at least better field goal position but he threw it instead.

20 points is our magic number. I feel really good about next week if we can score 20 points.

Right side of line…that int is something…win is a win though.

It’s not a level playing field. It never has been and it is less so now. I’m curious when you talk about “taking us to the next level”. My question is, what is the next level and what would we have to do to get there? More student fees for athletics? Raise money for NIL? Greater institutional focus on athletics? I ask sincerely. What do you want Miami football (and athletics) to be? Leave the MAC?

I think we should try to win the MAC in every sport every year. I enjoy Miami winning and have ultimately enjoyed this season but I think we need to return the focus to making Miami an elite public university, not an elite athletic program. Our athletics have slipped a little while our academics have slipped far further far faster. I feel that’s where the university focus needs to be.

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Several universities do both. It’s not a zero sum proposition.


Indeed, I would say the drop in Athletics has directly led to the drop in reputation and desirability of the University. They go hand in hand.


I would say that the precipitous drop in Miami’s USNWR ranking has had FAR more of a negative impact on reputation and desirability than our drop in athletic performance.


So maybe a totally new thread but why the big drop in academics?

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There was a thread on that several months ago that went on ad infinitem.

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