2024 Softball Season

It’s not her leaving for a better job that angers me, it’s stripping the program she built and, leaving the cupboard bare. That was my point, if you didn’t get it, I’m sorry.


None of the people who followed her had to follow her. They chose to. She didn’t strip the cupboard bare; the contents of the cupboard willingly left.


Okay, remove me from the rolls. Sports have passed me by. Good bye everyone.

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The players didn’t have to leave, they chose to. Heaven forbid she tries to do her best at her new job. Does it suck for us? Absolutely. But we’ll recover and she will succeed. Can’t blame her for doing everything she can to win now

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Doctor Cakes, as you know, I am not a doctor, I’m a pornographer, so I’m in no position to speak absolute truth here, but I think Gene might be being sarcastic. Without emojis, the nuance is hard to detect. You two might have 50 years between you, but your love of MU unites you so maybe that’s good enough? Meantime, I’m about to shoot a provocative yet tasteful group scene that takes place in space! Wish me luck as execution is everything.

Ps, did you play in the men’s hoops outing? I bet Eli was fun to watch.

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Did not play in the outing but have been out a few times this summer. Always walking, not riding. Only way to go

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I took my 8 year old out and tried to walk on but could only find one spot so I caddied for him. It was a threesome of these dudes with the worst mouths I’ve heard in a long time. And, I’ve been noted as being gifted in profanity, so I’m telling you it was over the top. They just didn’t know how to turn it off which you have to do around kids because…common sense. Good news though: My kid was out driving them every hole (par 3 course) from the men’s tees. If I can teach him how to putt, it’s ha cha cha time for me!


Way to let the game do the talking. Kid is learning important life lessons early on

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My 4yo (kid 3) started golf lessons this month. I have never played golf in my life. My late FIL was a huge golfer; he chaired the LA Open one year back in the 80s. My MIL is very very happy to see that at least one of her grandkids is interested in something his grandpa loved.


I like it because it’s a sport your kids can do with you as everyone gets older and other sports drop by the wayside because you physically can’t do them anymore. And it’s one of the rare ones you can still get better at as you get older.


Gene, when Coach K came to Miami from being an assistant coach at Virginia Tech, she brought two girls with her. One was Kate Kobayashi who played for the Hokies her first season, the other was Karli Spain, who I think was an incoming recruit.


Exactly. Working with my 12 yo daughter on the sport and it’s getting to be our favorite way to spend time together. I didn’t really get into golf until my late-20’s, and then totally rebuilt my swing in my mid-30’s… resulting in my best golf being ages 36-50.



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Spaid committed to Miami under Crowell. Kobayashi did follow Kumar from Virginia Tech, but that one’s a unique situation because her dad was a baseball player at Miami and she grew up a Miami fan.


My source on that information goes back 3 years ago when we played at Virginia Tech in the regional. Watching the games on ESPN3 they mentioned that Kate had followed Coach Kumar to Miami and that Karli was a Virginia Tech recruit that she signed to Miami. So my mistake was thinking that she had signed first with the Hokies, then transferred. Probably she was just being recruited by Tech but when Coach K got the Miami job she signed her at Miami.

I think Karli was very lightly recruited out of high school. Seems to me she only had one offer and it was to like Loyola Chicago or something like that. I’d have to check. But coach Kumar needed players and saw her potential. This is only my recollection though so maybe others can confirm or deny it. I know she definitely didn’t come from VA Tech as a player to be named later!

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She committed to Miami in the summer of 2019. Kumar wasn’t hired until 8/31/20, when she would have already been enrolled and taking classes.


Solid evidence. I guess I was wrong about Karli.