2023 Coaching Carousel

I mean, its also Oklahoma…no one willingly goes to Oklahoma…

Shaffer and Woullard did.

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So if one is not all in on NIL, then why not donate to a restricted Alston fund? It may work better from a retention perspective anyway if all pmts are held until graduation ~$25-30K. The others can supplement via NIL and it’s a win-win. That may be the best hybrid answer for a rural G5 sch.



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Alston is a better alternative but why would a kid wait for $25k-$35k when an autonomous school comes in and gives them 5x+ that amount right now?

I’m not for giving athletes a single dime more than what a full scholarship represents for a non athlete student……for a school like Miami it’s not even a sugar high

I’m not under any illusion the Alston $25K will trump a $100k/ yr offer from a P/A4 sch. But it may keep them from going to Toledo, Tulane, WKU, etc. who are paying $25-50K.


If money kills D1 football equity, I might go back to watching D3 NESCAC football - 10 teams, 9 conference games with no OOC games, free admission, free TV broadcasts, no athletic scholarships, four years of eligibility and 2200 SAT scores.


The lower divisions have the best playoff structure. There is far too much risk with legitimate playoffs for the cartel to ever approve it.


Do NESCAC schools make any admissions concessions for athletes? I know that the Ivies do, and Stanford’s average football SAT is said to be around 400 points lower than that of an average Stanford freshman. And don’t get me started on the shameless gaslighting of Notre Dame and Michigan constantly trying to say with a straight face that their football players have the same admissions criteria as the rest of the students.


When my kid was recruited for hockey, the coach was allowed to bring three candidates to the admissions office - two borderline academic admits and one unlikely admit with a prospect of academic success. If I remember correctly the coach got two. The other eight he recruited were academic admits - including my kid. At that time, about 2011-2012, the Ivy League had a similar admissions procedure involving A band, B Band and C Band student/athletes. A was likely admit, B was borderline and C was unlikely admit with academic promise. I think the number of C bands approved was quite limited.

And NESCAC football doesn’t participate in the NCAA D3 playoffs. After their 9th regular season game they shut it down until the following September.

Define willingly. Woullard got a sizeable check.

Personally, I think anyone who’s saying NIL doesn’t matter in the G5 has their head in the sand (not aimed at you @NESCACDAD). College sports has changed. It’s changed since most posters here have been in college. I remember on the old forum people talking about how facilities don’t matter. I remember conversations about how funding for nutrition didn’t matter. Both were correct takes when those posters were 18-22. They aren’t for 2024. And the take that NIL will only matter in P5 (P2, w/e) is a 5 year old take that isn’t accurate for 2024 and won’t be in 2030. It’s not about keeping every single athlete who might transfer out. It’s about retaining a higher percentage than the next school. In the last 2 years Toledo has lost 4 athletes to P5 schools. Miami has lost 6 and it’ll be 7 when Amos commits. If you could keep 3 of Zolman, Feth, Schaffer, Saunders, Woullard, Larvadain, or Amos, would you? Or if you could bring in a high end transfer each year?


@JiveHawk is absolutely correct. I’m an old coot and the other old coots on here are pissing me off. It IS 2024 and times have changed. It’s not about keeping up with P4, it’s about keeping up with the rest of the MAC. Imagine we’re going head to head with Toledo for a recruit and they offer him 25K in NIL money we offer 5K or worse, nothing. Where do you think he’s going? If our Athletic Department doesn’t take this seriously and get their heads out of there asses we’re going to wonder what hit us.


@JiveHawk @Grumpy


Feel like I’ve been taking crazy pills trying to convince people that Miami participating in NIL might be important.


No disagreement if you read my posts carefully. I think we should be doing NIL to keep players we can keep at a G5 level of spending. Not trying to outbid P5. We will almost never win that battle. Matter of fact when I made a suggestion of how G5 should navigate this I was criticized on this board, even though I had discussed it at length before posting with one of the leading labor lawyers in STL (and the country), who is a good friend of mine. And facilities absolutely matter. Hell, they matter to my daughter when she was comparing universities in her majors. That is why I have bitched for years about Millett.


Just want to be sure. Are you saying we should have NIL in hopes of retaining 2-3 players from jumping to P4?

I agree with Blues 2/21 note. Two divisions and I won’t watch much big dick football ever again. Let the rest of us create our own little world and some sort of playoff structure. I’d bet it will do just fine. Being in contention for a national playoff spot will make us attractive to our fand and boost support. We make the P/5 playoffs and they’ll come. I’d bet on it!
Need to get some sort of agreement in place among all the leagues/teams to join our club. Not limited to:
#1 legal–all you esquires out there sound out on labor law etc
#2 has some sort of reasonable transfer rules in place–at least between us little guys–P/4 will be the wild wild west and they’ll continue to raid us.
#3 a reasonable lever of NIL, whatever the hell that is. The idea is we’re head back (not way back) to some timeline where our level is competing with $100k offers. Kids coming to Miami or Toledo or App State are coming here to #1–get an education and maybe line up a chance for the NFL. We’re not a feeded system for the NFL. If that’s what a kid wants go B/.4 and take your chances. If they wind up being a miss by the P/4’s coming out of highschool they can offer them $100k or whatever to maybe get on the field with the big guys. We’ll continue to take their cast offs and play a nice style of football (like we do now) and we’ll be very happy with our place in the world. We’ll play like hell to make our playoffs and that’s it.

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No, I’m saying if you want to see Miami have continued success, then Miami needs to leverage NLI. Remember when programs didn’t have strength training programs? Remember when they didn’t have nutrition programs? Remember when they didn’t have recovery tubs? When I started they didn’t even have barber chairs and gaming consoles. But now the genie is out of the bottle and it’s not going back in. So either get on board or fall behind. Keeping your head in the sand isn’t going to change reality. Like @Grumpy said, this is about keeping up with the MAC.


FCS is still fun to watch. Lots of talent that easily could play FBS and even P5.

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I’m deep in CAA country. Good football.


I don’t think you’re implying my head (or others ) is in the sand (up my tailpipe, whatever). If anything I’m saying it’s time to do something radically different from our true peers, not jump on a bandwagon to the edge of a cliff that all will tumble over.

If the criteria is staying at the top of the MAC, when I see impact players going to Toledo or NIU or WMU or OU for NIL then I think it is a reasonable option

To me it’s a classic evaluation of putting the dollars where it makes based on the goal of staying at the top of the MAC. Player quality has a lot to do with it but I think coaching stability (tenure and succession) trumps x number of first team MAC players. Becoming the most financial efficient to maintain above average staff continuity helps do that.

The MAC schools that make decisions about fighting the P4 on the basis of things like NIL will be the first to bust. And part of me thinks it’s by design. I’m not taking that bait. G5 NIL is the Doge Coin of crypto investing

I’m also for dropping the UC game (a rivalry I personally participated in) so that we can get another buy game to help the financials. We’ve won 1 game in 16 years and have gotten paid zero……I bet we could do the same with buy games and have $20m in the bank

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