WMU Game Week 2023

I hope we go back to the play calling of last week. Sustained drives, mix of run and pass, no damn fade passes.

Silly start

What the

Miami football and the inability to get plays in….like BB and crackers

WTF!! That is terrible. Timeout to start the half.

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Aye,aye aye!

Well, that was rather embarassing.

Dude, just take the 5 yard penalty.

Or even better, get the play in on time.

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Rather half assed start to this half.

Chuck giving Wilkins an earful

There is zero reason to throw deep against this team


Did it any way. Gage wasn’t really open. Threw it up for him to make a play.

I need more blood pressure medicine! These play calls are killing me!!


That Chuck headshot is circa 2014, he’s aged a bit since then lol.

Lousy playcalls to start the half. Short passing game has been extremely efficient for us, we don’t need to go for home runs every other play.

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We’ve been tough with short and medium pass game last week and today. Just too tempting to go long.

Doesn’t WMU know you are supposed to launch the ball downfield and not do a controlled passing game?


Get a stop!

We need a long, clock eating drive for a TD.

They hit a 49-yard FG. 21-13.

Bailed out by the holding penalty there.

“So, prof, how do you feel about the recent developments in this football game?”
