Interesting read
Heck, UC only lost $8.6 million this year.
Yes but they also lost a lot in sports
A very huge chunk of that was for Chris Holtmann to go away but still LOL.
If OSU scheduled Miami in hockey the past 10 years instead of say, Bentley or American International, they could’ve brought in six figures in that span.
Granted, that’s not much compared to $38M, but if they don’t care about the little things, I’m not surprised they lost their asses overall.
Going to OSU, and whipping their ass in hockey in Value City was as fun as it could possibly get.
One of my old classmates had a bank suite to top it off! 15+ guests.
$38m of losses on revenue of over a quarter billion dollars (per knight commission db) …… and no funding attributed to “institutional support” or “student fees”…… how phucking broken